Take the plunge?

innovation's Avatar
Do not get in here. This is more addictive than you can imagine. Try to motivate your wife for variety. Try.
  • cr76
  • 08-12-2014, 08:27 PM
Love and cherish your wife. Delete this account and don't look back. She loves you for you , imperfections and everything.
LOL - It's too late for you bro.

Matt 5:27-28

"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY'; 28but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Chris Rock said it best:

A Man's Only as Faithful as His Options

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Don't do it man. Focus on the wife and spring unexpected pleasant surprises on her. The better you treat her the more you will love her. Fuck her every chance you get.

If you do fuck some strange you won't enjoy it at all and there's a good chance it will be the inflection point where your downhill slide begins. "Plunge" is an apt term.
I'm just keeping it real. You've lurked for a year. Even if you try to make it work for a while you will be back. It's just a matter of time now bro and once you get a BJ from one of these money making pro's that's it. That's all she wrote. lol

SpiceItUp's Avatar
I ve been lurking the forums for nearly a year...still a newbie!
Wanting to pop my newbie cherry,but find it difficult to actually do it. I am happily married ...you could say..but I am in need of some variety. How did you folks cope with " the first time guilt" ? Any advice?
Tomorrow is my b-day and was hoping to finally celebrate myself...but dont know if i should..... Originally Posted by rice6869
A lot of strong opinions being bandied about with no detail about the real state of his personal life!

As you've seen, married hobbying is a hot button topic and people fall on both sides of the fence about it. Any provider will tell you though that a large percentage of their clientele are married so you are by no means alone on this.

To address your point directly without getting bogged down in the "morality" of what you are contemplating I'll share my personal opinion on the subject:

A long time ago I was in a long term relationship and faced a similar dilemma. Rather than having to find a way not to feel guilty, for me it was more of a realization and a gradual acceptance that, especially for a man, monogamy is a societal and cultural construct not a biological imperative. In fact it goes very much against nature and our hormonal drive in my opinion. It became clear to me that the answer was either to deny myself one of life's great pleasures or find a way to partake in a manner that least impacts my otherwise vanilla life.

If I have a S.O. then a girlfriend on the side is far too messy and time consuming. A SugarBaby presents its own potential set of pitfalls. The hobby is perfect as it allows anonymity, sexual freedom, and no emotional entanglements. In almost 20 years of doing this I've had periods of more activity than others both with a SO and without, I've never felt a single pang of guilt nor remorse. For me, when I have an SO I'd feel guilty having an emotional relationship with another woman but never a sexual one. Its arguably one of the most pure and natural things in the world.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Even if I had an S.O. who was a tall blonde supermodel with a wide open menu and an insatiable sex drive I'd still be on here hunting for asian spinner twins who love greek or whatever else tickled my fantasy at that moment! Variety is the spice of life, so spice it up!

The key is to keep it hidden so as to avoid hurting the ones you love. If you do embark on a journey into this thing of ours, I would strongly encourage you to set up a very secure "chinese wall" to separate your fantasy life from your real one. Do not presume your wife is an idiot.

Good luck whatever you decide.
rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 08-12-2014, 10:12 PM
Tell your wife you need some variety and start a discussion about how the both of you can accomplish that. Chances are she'd like some variety too. Originally Posted by boardman
This worked for me. My wife and I enjoyed swinging together for a while. Now I just hobby occasionally on my own with my wife's blessing.
Don't do it. But let me ask this. You don't have a subscription here, so you don't read the stories, what do you think goes on? What is it you think you want to do?
Dont know the stories,but do know what is offered and available.......
The advice is great guys.....I do think I can separate the love from the pleasure....I will give myself a bit more time to contemplate. At times I do feel that I deserve to atleast taste the other side..
Thx again.
Russ38's Avatar
Friendly advice....take all the time you need to contemplate....this shit will still be here....
bama69's Avatar
Man I was the same way, when I was tied down I window shopped the hell outta eccie girls but just could never make myself to take the plunge..
How did you folks cope with " the first time guilt" ? Any advice? Originally Posted by rice6869
Lots of good advice here, but I will answer your actual question.

The guilt was strong my first time, as was my fear of getting burned by the lady, her "friend(s)" or LE. I coped with the guilt by hoping and believing I would soon enjoy immense pleasure, a degree of pleasure I had not experienced in some time. Until I saw and spoke to the lady, until she put me at ease, I can honestly say I was not sure I would go through with it. I got lucky...or unlucky...because she was beautiful and as wild as I dreamed.

I coped with the guilt by keeping my eye on the prize.

As many have suggested, hobbying is not for everyone. If you think you might not handle it well, don't do it.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Dear fucking Tebow just fuck a whore & be done with it you whining can't seem to fuck fuck
bama69's Avatar
Lmmfao... Dorian you Fucker I swear I just spit sweet tea everywhere