BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-25-2014, 12:42 AM
I didn't know that shoving a store owner deserves death, I'm sure there is allot more to the story.
billw1032's Avatar
I didn't know that shoving a store owner deserves death, I'm sure there is allot more to the story. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
No, but assaulting a police officer to the point that he fears for his life may. IF that is what happened, but I don't think enough information has been officially released for the general public to know exactly what happened. The missing details just feed speculation and spin on both sides.
FunInDFW's Avatar
@op - Events like these always bring out the sheeple. Heaven forbid you do any actual thinking and try to use logic instead of spouting what the news outlets, regardless of their affiliation, say.

You have a right to your opinion; but don't spout one that you've come up with before taking a look at all facts and information. If you truly believe of "live by the sword die by the sword," then him being shot still isn't right since he had no gun (aka the sword that killed him). At best you could argue "violence"; in which case being shoved would be his justice. That was his sword in this video. :lol

This in response to the evidence on the video, as that is the op's bases for her statement.
dallasfan's Avatar
He is a weapon. At his size, he can kill someone without a weapon.

He is tossing around an elderly c-store worker/owner and just taking what he wants from the store. Who does that?
pyramider's Avatar
He is a weapon. At his size, he can kill someone without a weapon.

He is tossing around an elderly c-store worker/owner and just taking what he wants from the store. Who does that? Originally Posted by dallasfan

18 year olds that are 6'4" and 298 lbs?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Brown is also not "just a kid", he was said to be 6-4, 298 pounds, and was clearly throwing the helpless store owner around in the video..

question remains though: was he stealing cigars, or buying a pack of skittles? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ok unless I am missing something from the video @ OP and Chung - I see one push - the OP acted as if he was tossed body slammed and stomped relentlessly - it was basically a get the hell out of my way push let's not over exaggerate the obvious - I still will like to see more evidence of what took place until I 100 percentage take one side or the other - but regardless if he was a thug or not he is still a human being and has rights.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
He is a weapon. At his size, he can kill someone without a weapon.

He is tossing around an elderly c-store worker/owner and just taking what he wants from the store. Who does that? Originally Posted by dallasfan
Where the hell do you see "tossing " around I see the store owner blocking the entrance because he more than likely stole something and I see him push him once - am I missing from the video ?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I would like to see more details before I pass judgement and I don't want to make this into a black and white issue - for one I have a hard team believing the officer just said hmmm let me go miss with a black kid today and shoot him 6 times because I am a racist. Something provoked the officer to take action and whether the force was justified I don't know until I see all evidence. I hate the fact that when white officer shoots black man he's deemed a racist - how would this play out had office been black ? Or if Mike brown was white ? We probably wouldn't even be talking about this incident. MIke Brown surely wasn't an angel by any means but let's wait and see all the evidence before we make a judgement. What really angers me as a black man is that our race only seems to come together after a tragic event - if we were unified like this 365 days a year our country will be much better off.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Wellendowed, yes, there is a single push.. but there's also the store owner trying to stop Brown again, Brown turning towards him with a menacing presence, and the store owner cowering away.. perhaps Brown made that same move towards the Cop some 20 minutes later?

no one is saying Brown deserved to be shot for stealing cigars and pushing the store owner..

BTW, it's no secret that convenience store owners in our area, including one 4 blocks from me, will not allow more than 3 blacks in the store at one time.. there is a reason for that, beyond simple racism..
dallasfan's Avatar
Say he pushed him. Does that make it better what he did? I say toss because the old guy flew about 4 feet. He probably outweighs the guy by about 2.5 times. Either way this is an assault.

We need to stop defending punks like this. What he did was wrong. And if he displayed this behavior with the cop there was reason to shoot him.

It's the media stirring things up to get ratings.

Where the hell do you see "tossing " around I see the store owner blocking the entrance because he more than likely stole something and I see him push him once - am I missing from the video ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
This guy is a thug, as the OP stated, no two ways about it. Cops only pull their guns and shoot if there is an immediate threat of life danger to them or any one else. There is way more to this story than what is shown in the video. The whole he is a black man shot by a white cop is all about racist profiling agenda, not about the facts of the case, hence the riots. I guarantee you that if it was a white or any other nationality man who was shot by a cop, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr and Al Sharpton would not have shown up at his funeral, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/26/us...eral.html?_r=0 .
Solemate62's Avatar
The victim was not a thug. AL Sharpton told me so!
Diznutz's Avatar
Please share the link to the video that has assisted you with your "I think" observation. There are witnesses and there is no dash cam. Are you saying a police officer who is trained in some sort of self defense tactics had to shoot a 6'4 298lb young man 6 times because his body was a weapon. Do you know you'd probably be in jail right now for shooting an unarmed 298lb 6'4 man because you were simply afraid of taking an ass beating. And once again please post the link where you gathered your "I think" conclusion.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
18 year olds that are 6'4" and 298 lbs? Originally Posted by pyramider
Thats a middle linebacker at Houston Lamar isn't it?
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
This guy is a thug, as the OP stated, no two ways about it. Cops only pull their guns and shoot if there is an immediate threat of life danger to them or any one else. There is way more to this story than what is shown in the video. The whole he is a black man shot by a white cop is all about racist profiling agenda, not about the facts of the case, hence the riots. I guarantee you that if it was a white or any other nationality man who was shot by a cop, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr and Al Sharpton would not have shown up at his funeral, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/26/us...eral.html?_r=0 . Originally Posted by davidfree986
Please don't mention Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in the same sentence as MLK. Since this is a hobby board that's analagous to comparing Melissa Mccarthy to Jenny Mccarthy.