Multi-million dollar question.

@Toyz yes $100 mil is a lot of money more than most besides still looking would make in more than 5 life times. There was an interesting questioned asked " wonder if the providers would still provide". Personally I would do a ton of world traveling. Of course take someone with me. I would setup my kids for life but they would not be able to touch it until they graduated college (mean I know). I would buy a house in Colorado (hunting), in New York( just to say I did), in the Caribbean somewhere (vacation).

I would by some commercial property and maybe a couple of apartments one luxury and one low cost dunno that's still leaves me at least $90mil. Or a little less.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 12:24 PM
Buy my exes her...give her 2 weeks severence. Wait until she found another that company... So an and so forth until she entered the hobby...then set Her up with Bonn and having him write a shitty review.

Buy eccie...change the review to allow NCNS, a drop down menu for services offered, rates and a mandatory accurate picture and weight sections.
*take tori capella off the market

Not so fast Toyz. That is already in my plans, just waiting to win the latto
Well, I think the answer is obvious here, anything over 2 million dollars in one chunk, and I'm not doing shit. I 'm going to sit at my house and do absolutely nothing. Cause let's face it, with anyone on this board getting that much money at once, everyones gonna here about it.

Ergo, if I had anymore then 2 million dollars, all the ladies I want would come to me, I'm sure I'd get AT LEAST 1 or 2 family members hit me up with a bizness idea, and at least a couple outside investors, not to mention, anywhere I went, most people would know who I am, so, honestly, I wouldn't have to do anything, anything and everything I would want would just naturally come to me.

Most people are looking for handouts right now, so my final answer stands, I would do 1 thing, and 1 thing only......

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-27-2014, 01:26 PM
To your point Brit........ I always laugh at folks who say they only bet when the jackpot is 100 mil or more. Usually I tell them that if they actually NEED that much then they have more problems than money will solve.

I'd be fine with the minimum jackpot and with my funds having a 20+% return it'd be mor than enough.
put it in the bank, travel, NEVER date or marry and move to Colorado so I can buy all the good weed I want!!!
There was an interesting questioned asked " wonder if the providers would still provide". Originally Posted by Austins1hobby
I'd swap my provider hat in for a sugar momma hat. Possibly open up a bad-ass brothel, but probably not.
governmentguru's Avatar
Do the same thing I do now, just with more money in the bank.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would stop providing but keep my.favorites
Pitfall's Avatar
I don't think many are grasping the magnitude of AH1's theoretical winnings. 100 million!!!

In eccie terms...that's Still Lookings annual ANNUAL hobby budget! That's a lot of money. Dream big! Originally Posted by Toyz
oh I get it....

1. Give 75% to the wife.
2. Disappear.
knotty man's Avatar
change my facebook status to "not complicated no mo' ! "
playingnthedark's Avatar
I'd swap my provider hat in for a sugar momma hat. Possibly open up a bad-ass brothel, but probably not. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
FoulRon's Avatar
1) Pick up my winnings.
2) Securely invest the bulk of it.
3) Quit my job, and let them know my new rate to answer questions.
4) Make the 6 other home owners on my cul-de-sac an offer they can't refuse, buy the street from the city, and then enclose it all with a fence and gate. Maybe a moat.
5) Pay my sisters enough money to pay off their debts and however much it would take for them to never contact me again!
Beagle's Avatar
Pffttt.......100 million? Already had it since the last decade. Well, if I had another 100 million, I'll just put it all back in I've been doing with the rest of my 100 billion. My descendants will keep amassing wealth and eventually take over the world, and everyone will worship me as God......

So.....who'd like to fuck a God for free right now? The line forms here.....