Nine-year-old girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead with an Uzi

Most folks with common sense will agree with you because you say so? Or because they agree with you they have common sense? Or most like you want the government regulating every activity. Until it comes to MP's, and then you blame the religious right?

It doesn't matter where the parents were, the instructor should have had his hand atop the gun to see if she could handle automatic mode.

Try saying some of your own thought and provide rationale rather than just blathering 'most people think like me.' Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Tanks .....nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!!!....
PM couldn't have said that any better.....

......oops, thinck he just did!!!......
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Most folks with common sense will agree with you because you say so? Or because they agree with you they have common sense? Or most like you want the government regulating every activity. Until it comes to MP's, and then you blame the religious right?

It doesn't matter where the parents were, the instructor should have had his hand atop the gun to see if she could handle automatic mode.

Try saying some of your own thought and provide rationale rather than just blathering 'most people think like me.' Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
yet a bit like Monday morning quarterbacking
or behind her rather than next to my after the game bs

yet, it was just a accident
yet, it was just a accident Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
All permitted by moronic Red State, gun crazed demented logic, that allows this type gun lunacy to exist in the first place.....

State lawmakers who allow 9 year old children to fire machine guns are not playing with a full deck!!!.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
All permitted by moronic Red State, gun crazed demented logic, that allows this type gun lunacy to exist in the first place.....

State lawmakers who allow 9 year old children to fire machine guns are not playing with a full deck!!!..... Originally Posted by Celso
I still do not see a problem with it, as 9 year old can't own one.

are you ok with NYS age for hunting. 12 small game 15 or was it 16 large game?
pyramider's Avatar
Let me think on that one for a second...

Like encouraging a culture that would allow for laws whereby a 9 year old girl can get her hands on an Uzi?

Oh come on, 9 year old girls have 2nd amendment rights too. Originally Posted by Doove

Her parental units can overrule her 2nd amendment rights. The child was being supervised by her parents and an "instructor." Adults put the gun in her hands. Maybe this will make other parents and instructors thinck twice about what types of firearms are placed in their kids hands.

I had a bb gun at seven. I was shooting turtle heads at distance from six on with single shot .22s.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-30-2014, 03:05 PM
It doesn't matter where the parents were, the instructor should have had his hand atop the gun to see if she could handle automatic mode. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
There's plenty of blame to go around here, and attempting to lay it all on the parents and/or instructor to defend your ideology gets us nowhere.

Kids shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel of a car at 9 years old, nor should they be able to go out to bars at 9 years of age getting shit-faced. Government regulation preventing a 9 year old from handling an Uzi is no less justifiable.

By the way, i believe it's 6 years of age in Texas. No surprise there.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-30-2014, 03:10 PM
Her parental units can overrule her 2nd amendment rights. The child was being supervised by her parents and an "instructor." Adults put the gun in her hands. Maybe this will make other parents and instructors thinck twice about what types of firearms are placed in their kids hands. Originally Posted by pyramider
And obviously, relying on the parents and instructor to make the right decision didn't work out so well, now did it? So i'm not really sure what your argument is here.

Should a 9 year old be allowed to handle an Uzi or not?
pyramider's Avatar
If the parental units thinckthe child can handle it ... yes.

Personally, I thinck the results of the incident worked out well. One less not-qualified-to-be-an-instructor out of the equation. Its a win.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Gotta luv that moronic Red State, gun crazed demented thinking, that allows this type lunacy to exist in the first place.....
Seems like too many folks in AZ been sniffing too much gunpowder fumes for too long!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-30-2014, 04:47 PM
If the parental units thinckthe child can handle it ... yes. Originally Posted by pyramider
Given that they let her try it, I'm guessing the parents thought the girl could handle it.

Worked well.

Personally, I thinck the results of the incident worked out well. One less not-qualified-to-be-an-instructor out of the equation. Its a win.
The death penalty for being an unqualified gun instructor.

And i'm the fucktard?
pyramider's Avatar
Decisions have consequences.

And yes you are a fucktard.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
In general we're too hung up in age. There's plenty of 30 year olds that can't drive, shoot, drink or vote. I shouldn't be allowed to drink. Celso shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard...especially if smilies are available.
Guest042416's Avatar
The person who fucked up is dead. Sort of justice, although it is a bad situation. I hope the girl can clear her head of his mistake.

Age has nothing to do with this, it is an issue of capability. The guy didn't keep his hand on the gun to assist her and he paid the price. To answer OSD, I would not put an age number on it, it is a question of what the kid can handle supervised, until they demonstrate capability to go unsupervised. This 9 year didn't get her hands on an Uzi, the Uzi was placed in her hands.

Arizona has nothing to do with it. The parents the OP wants to blame were vacationing. I love a state that allows the freedom for this to happen, though I would rather it didn't. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

9 years old lol

how old should someone be to drink alchohol?

nine years old??

how about driving a car?

start at six??
Guest042416's Avatar
maybe age is just a number, but you have to start somewhere, you need to have rules and regulations.

So again what age should one start drinking alcohol? or drive?

we know damn well jc you shouldn't be driving, lol
pyramider's Avatar
Hell, if the incident happened in NY the little girl would be put to the grand jury and probably indicted.