hobbyist jogi went mia on me. questions that need answers since I'm a newbie

Okay thanks! So just to make sure, am I not supposed to reveal hobbyists name whom I feel like wasted my time? I understand not posting immediately because indeed there could have been a legitimate reason of not giving me a notice. Is revealing hobbyist handle considered not being discrete? So many rules and I'm trying not to step on any toes being a newbie Originally Posted by PilarWaters
Everybody had a trial by error learning experience here Pilar. People make mistakes. Look at Hitler. Patience is the key here.
(Psst...get an incall...)
bored@home's Avatar
Okay thanks! So just to make sure, am I not supposed to reveal hobbyists name whom I feel like wasted my time? I understand not posting immediately because indeed there could have been a legitimate reason of not giving me a notice. Is revealing hobbyist handle considered not being discrete? So many rules and I'm trying not to step on any toes being a newbie Originally Posted by PilarWaters
The name is fine, the date details are kind of on the cusp... I might get a bit bothered if future dates wanted/expected watches because they read that i did it or rather was going to do it for someone else in coed.