Regulars - Why is it that some ladies can turn hundreds of tricks and still need to look for more?

Very interesting topic. I often find that, when questions as such are posed, ppl in this world tend to respond with "it's the lady's business and she runs as such".

True... But, if we are to take a close look, if a lady is finding herself running aimlessly after business (having to advertise more than she thinks she should have to), working with a number AND quality of clients that is not to HER LEVEL of comfort, or not having enough revenue even after working her ass off, she needs to reevaluate....... Originally Posted by CamilleFox69
I have never had any interest in CamilleFox sexually and have never seen her. Just not my type. But she is undoubtedly the most intelligent woman on this Board. If anyone has a CEO vacancy, they couldn't go wrong. She doesn't just know this business; she knows business. Impressive.
CF has some good business points particularly about branding and advertising. The one thing that makes so many constantly seek new clients is inconsistent of delivery of services or product and poor customer service. Have you noticed in 2012-13 Bikini's opened four or five stores but in less than a year's time three have closed.

Look at how many long term providers who had lots of regulars including the white knight contingent have gone bust in recent years.

I disagree with my friend Las Vegas about their lifestyles because if they had good customer service, outstanding skills and were consistent there are enough guys out there to afford them a HD lifestyle with less work. They don't work smarter but constantly work harder.

Think about a few hot chicks we have in common who pack them in daily and pump social media, etc. They are extremely high volume and always on the move to keep the same level of income coming in.

Some of these chicks are what everyone mentioned but I suspect most just keep upping their numbers to continue to stay profitable and because they don't keep them coming back like Mc Donalds.
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 09-01-2014, 11:03 PM
My very first ATF was extremely popular (and busy) for about the first 2-3 years that she was working. But she was also paying out of pocket to go to an ivy league college. Once she graduated, she did fbsm only until she was able to get a career in her degree field. Now she's gone with the wind lol. It all depends on why the girls are in this hobby to begin with. Some just enjoy it just as much as we enjoy hobbying.
sup, here is what i describe as "their lifestyle".... everyone has a ceiling...meaning some of us live the "player" lifestyle...ballin at the clubs, riding around in S65's and then some (not that it is a bad thing) their ceiling just might be getting rent paid, having enough to "smoke" every week... or just enough to get their hair go get a free meal from their WK... some might be 50 yr old providers and they see their window of opportunity closing so they are are on the hunt ... so they HAVE to draw attention anyway they can get it... long response...thats why i say, they just might like where they are in life or the limited fading assets they might have left, being 50 inked up , medically challenged ....etc. they have to do what they have to do...
Got you dog and I was just telling my boy that earlier. I know the type of chick you talking about. Driving challengers but make three racks a day for some player in Dallas or other big city.

I know a few out there just like that! You guys have and old one like that in SA who's time is expiring as a major league provider
muffin101's Avatar
From the Provider's standpoint frequent ad posting makes sense.

Even with a large pool of regulars it is taboo for the Providers to hit up Clients in this industry.

On top of that scheduling could be an issue with most Clients being professionals or having RW obligations. (So there can often be lost opportunities due to mismatch of schedules/availability)

Ads could serve as a gentle reminder for the regulars to approach the Provider, besides attracting new clients.

Another plus of having a larger inquiry pool could also allow the Provider to pick and choose who they enjoy seeing better (or that could easily be argued as being just part of the illusion of the hobby)

Its called AMBITION.

If im going to be a whore im going to be the best damn whore I can be.

Some desire more than simply cheap furniture-less apartments , discount clothing, and food stamps.
What gets me is the girls on this board w pimps who live in cheap cribs and have bad furniture. They don't have expensive cars or watches. They dress in cheap of brand clothing and stay at lousy incall spots! Daddy doesn't have them in group housing in a nice neighborhood and don't forget bad weaves. All the girls from Dallas who visit Houston Austin and SA generally stay in cheap spots have bad weave and bad teeth. They all have crappy in calls and advertise on social media like hell on top of the boards.

They chase dozens of new tricks weekly but drive chargers and cameros. We have girls in Houston who drive Bentley and Benz cars and stay at one club. They just aren't doing it right or something seeing dozens of new dicks a week
You're asking why a successful business woman still advertises?

With a good product, as a general rule the more advertising, the more requests.
With more requests, she can
1. Be more selective about who she sees, or
2. Take more requests, therefore raising money, and
3. As requests exceed supply, raise her rates

Because it's good business, that's why!
And maybe, like some of us, the girl enjoys variety. We all get our rush in different ways...

Regulars can become a pain in the ass, too. One girl told me about a phone call she got from a regular at 4 am - so he could tell her how much he enjoyed eating another girl he just finished with...
You're asking why a successful business woman still advertises?

With a good product, as a general rule the more advertising, the more requests.
With more requests, she can
1. Be more selective about who she sees, or
2. Take more requests, therefore raising money, and
3. As requests exceed supply, raise her rates

Because it's good business, that's why!
And maybe, like some of us, the girl enjoys variety. We all get our rush in different ways...

Regulars can become a pain in the ass, too. One girl told me about a phone call she got from a regular at 4 am - so he could tell her how much he enjoyed eating another girl he just finished with... Originally Posted by OldYeller
Very well said OY

Being in retail myself I will also say that the brands that advertise the most are the brands that are not only sold the most they are also the ones most requested.
Whispers's Avatar
You're asking why a successful business woman still advertises? No. Not at all..... But make the question anything you care to spin it to and I'll put it back in line.....

With a good product, as a general rule the more advertising, the more requests.
With more requests, she can
1. Be more selective about who she sees, or
2. Take more requests, therefore raising money, and
3. As requests exceed supply, raise her rates

Because it's good business, that's why!
And maybe, like some of us, the girl enjoys variety. We all get our rush in different ways...

Regulars can become a pain in the ass, too. One girl told me about a phone call she got from a regular at 4 am - so he could tell her how much he enjoyed eating another girl he just finished with... Originally Posted by OldYeller

And you are OK with listening to stories about other guys? Do you not care about the lack of discretion she shows when discussing things of that nature with you?

Bob McV's Avatar
No. Not always,,,,,, Sometimes a question just pops in my head that I want to ask..... Sure... It occurs while I think about something more specific....But in many cases it is just a question.....
Originally Posted by Whispers
Fair enough, forgive me for seeing a possible ulterior motive with this question. When it is added to the other questions and comments you have made in the last week or so a conclusion could be easily drawn, and I fell into your clever trap. I now understand that these are all unrelated thoughts and questions that flow from the curious mind.

I'm not sure where I suggested my experiences had anymore weight. Just saying it is something I've noticed for a long time.... Originally Posted by Whispers
There was no suggestion, but an inference was made based on your words and context.

I don't like contributing to "bad habits" and when I see someone that is extremely active but barely making ends meet or has nothing to show for the money I tend to steer clear...... Originally Posted by Whispers
This is noble of you. So was this question an attempt to guild others to follow your moral code (on a hooker board)? I ask because you state your code in the context of asking why some ladies advertise more that you feel necessary the implication being you see the two are somehow related.

I personally, require that all the girls I see sign a contract saying that the money I give them goes towards their degree, or if they already have their masters in psychology; in right into a 401K. (just to be clear that was an attempt at hyperbole I can't dictate the spending habits of any of the ladies any more than you do.)

Well... On that I disagree...... I don't believe any lady with a successful business is here working the boards by doing anything other than running an ad....NEED is driving most..... Originally Posted by Whispers
No, I feel you are in error to speak in such absolutes. To say that none of the successful women here can be social is a fools errand (unless you specifically define successful as having no social interactions here in that singular case I guess you would be correct). People are complex, and social creatures by nature. To say that a woman can't be successful in such a personal service based business and be genuinely social as well? I would really like to read a case study on that one.

To keep my perspective to myself and not ask a question is close minded. To open a topic up for discussion and have an exchange on the issue is something else.
Originally Posted by Whispers
I disagree to make sweeping claims and assumptions "What's wrong with her?" "never a shortage of desperation" "cannot escape into a peaceful quiet existence" and to imply that you have answered your own question is to be closed minded (to be clear the question "What's wrong with her?" implies you think she is wrong). To open up the topic and yourself to new ideas and new ways of thinking would show you aren't closed minded.

You're asking why a successful business woman still advertises?
No. Not at all..... But make the question anything you care to spin it to and I'll put it back in line..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Originally Posted by OldYeller
Umm ... so you aren't asking why a successful woman advertises with the question: "Why is it that some ladies can turn hundreds of tricks and still need to look for more?"

Or is the implication there someone that turns hundreds of tricks can't successful?

And you are OK with listening to stories about other guys? Do you not care about the lack of discretion she shows when discussing things of that nature with you?

Originally Posted by Whispers
You have never listened to anyone tell you a tale from work? your CPA has a story of a client with an actual shoe box of receipts? Your bartender tells a humorous story of a drunk regular getting into a cab etc etc? Do you chastise these people for their lack of discretion, even tho they have given you no information beyond the fact the person in question is in some way connected to them.

Please sir, this is a classic strawman and you are better than that; weave us a better tale!
Whispers's Avatar are better than that; weave us a better tale! Originally Posted by Bob McV
Daktari's Avatar
Very well put CamilleFox69, that's MBA business for y'all!

and the most important P of all.
Whispers's Avatar
Being in retail myself..... Originally Posted by a10bomb
That explains so much.....