Window shopping in strip clubs

Very nice reply, thank you. Rocky50
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
I never been and I ain't going back. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Well said and I agree....................

Its a simple case of a fool and his money are soon parted but in the meantime they are invited everywhere.................... .
Why don't they make strip clubs with showers? You guys should see the bathroom/ dressing rooms at strip clubs; they are filthy.
Personally I love the strip clubs just as much as hobbying... It can be more pricey but frankly the girls are way better looking and are in shape. My dick doesn't work for ugly chicks and frankly I have had too many providers who have shown up & I have been disappointed. That includes many of the so-called "well reviewed" girls. If I want a quick nut or special experience like PSE/Greek then I go w a verified provider... But if I want to have a good time, get entertained... I will go with a stripper. Also if you can pull them out of the club and convince them to be GFE, the experience can be a lot better..bc they tend to look better and are not clock watchers. Also I'm just not into being the 6th guy to fuck the same girl in a day. That's a turn off. I'm not against the providers obviously .. But I just want to highlight the difference in experiences.
So you don't think strippers fuck multiple guys while they're off and at work? Bwhahhahahahha!
So you don't think strippers fuck multiple guys while they're off and at work? Bwhahhahahahha! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Of course they do, but I don't fuck girls in the club ... I was referring to the girls who set up in a hotel all day and try to fuck as many guys as they can.. I'm not hating on them and their business; but I do dislike walking pass the next guy & noticing the girl smelling of latex. Let's just be honest most girls do it and most girls rarely have the time to shower in between sessions.
cabletex7's Avatar
So you don't think strippers fuck multiple guys while they're off and at work? Bwhahhahahahha! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Wait . . . what?
I thought they sat around giggling, swapping recipes, watching kitten videos and being innocent and shit.
Until I showed up and then turned into fucking whores.
Let's just be honest most girls do it and most girls rarely have the time to shower in between sessions. Originally Posted by Headman
If you believe this (and it may well be true with whomever you see) you may want to reevaluate who you're seeing. IJS

Wait . . . what?
I thought they sat around giggling, swapping recipes, watching kitten videos and being innocent and shit.
Until I showed up and then turned into fucking whores. Originally Posted by cabletex7
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Why don't they make strip clubs with showers? You guys should see the bathroom/ dressing rooms at strip clubs; they are filthy. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
They used to have shower stages at some of the clubs in town....until the city got a close down the titty bar hard on and started revising the SOB ordinance.

And if you thinck the dressing rooms are bad you should see some of the men's restrooms.
Actually, in my rather vast experience, the worst men's strip club restroom was better than the best dancer dressing room. Ugh. Nastiest places ever.
They are. I like going to the strip club but I don't let no sweaty ho that smells like cum and trying to mask it with body spray rub all up against me. You guys can have that LOL.
universalenergy's Avatar
I don't play in the club. But I know a few that will play outside the club and has been fun. Its always good to take good care of the waitress and bartender. They know what is going on in the club and when they trust you .... they can have some very helpful information.
I have a waitrees that I have met OTC.
I am trying to get the bartender next.
I don't play in the club. But I know a few that will play outside the club and has been fun. Its always good to take good care of the waitress and bartender. They know what is going on in the club and when they trust you .... they can have some very helpful information.
I have a waitrees that I have met OTC.
I am trying to get the bartender next. Originally Posted by universalenergy
This sums up my point... It takes more work and money but you can have a good session w a semi pro.
There are pros and cons to everything. I've played ITC, and there were some things I liked and some things I didn't. Same with indy's and spas. Try it all - why the hell not?

The only thing worse than a stripper who smells like body spray is one that smells of baby powder and baby wipes. Makes me puke a little in my mouth.