
breastfan's Avatar
Have only the fantasy, but want to participate wether paid or otherwise. As long as the chemistry is there for all involved how can it not be a great experience. And yes, there would have to be girl on girl action.
eccietime's Avatar
hmmm had the threesome paid for, one girl was absolutely great the other was a dud. Saw the good girl later by herself. Oh the girls were all about me and not each other. At least when they were with me. Oh also did threesome with me, buddy and girl. That was great, taking turns on each end. Tired us right out, and she was a spinner, and great bbbj.

Rudyard K's Avatar
And then there is the memory of a foursome that will explain the smile on my lips on my deathbed. Originally Posted by discreetgent
OK?! Which one of you guys put that smile on DG's face?

I now know that's why lots of us do this...more power to you! As for me, I no longer believe I need to ACT on every sexual fantasy that may pop up (pun intended...sorry!) in my head.

My experience has been the act doesn't live up to the hype...or I don't! If there's anything MORE disappointing than figuring out something you've made in your mind to be "all that" ain''s that you aren't "all that" either!!! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
There is a lot of truth to what you are saying.When it comes to the average ,passing fantasy reality rarely lives up to the hype.But there are those fantasy's that are more personal, and can be so hard wired into your mind that sometimes reality does live up to or even surpass the original dream. I love when that happens because for me that offers great masturbation material for many months after.
Never done it. Never will. Probably.
I see couples only. Totally different dynamic. Love it and have some great memories. I don't get any pleasure out of going to see a guy with another provider so I don't do that anymore. It's a dynamic that does not work for me at all....

OK?! Which one of you guys put that smile on DG's face? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I'd bet heavily that it wasn't one of the guys.
I like them a lot. I love women and am pretty open about that, so getting together with a handsome guy and a beautiful lady together is like Natalie's version of heaven.

I think it's best if you have a girl you like invite a girl she likes (subject to your approval, of course), because then you know the two of them are already comfortable with each other.
Willen's Avatar
I've done 8 or 10, I suppose. A couple were duds, and the others broke evenly between 'a lot of fun' and 'TERRIFIC!!'

The 'duds' occurred in part at least because I didn't know at least one of the providers well enough to trust her judgement about the other provider. Chemistry is the key to any session, and the greater number of variables makes the chemistry more complicated. So my advice is to begin with a lady you know well and have enjoyed a lot. Be clear too about your expectations. How much girl-on-girl do you want? Is anybody going to serve as quarterback of the session, and who will that be? What other hopes/expectations do you have?

As you can see from the numbers of times I've played this way, my overall expereince has been good.

Happy hobbying.
discreetgent's Avatar
I'd bet heavily that it wasn't one of the guys. Originally Posted by pjorourke
This particular date cannot be recreated; at least some of the ladies have since retired.
Iceman's Avatar
I've only had one and discovered an hour is definately not enough time for me to fully enjoy both women.
Very engaging question and thoughts.

Like everything in life, good chemistry must exist. I personally enjoy both aspects of threesomes both as a provider and outside the biz. In both, I have had positive and negative experiences. The negative experience is when one party is getting more attention than the other (or should I say, the other lady is being neglected). How do you handle this, just whisper on the person ear how erotic they are fulfilling their bodies .

Ladies and gentlemen to reach the maximum experience of a threesome, toss all insecurities out the door. If at any point you begin to feel neglected, step back and enjoy the view of two bodies melting into one another and let them know how erotic it makes you feel.

[And then there is the memory of a foursome that will explain the smile on my lips on my deathbed] love it!

Caring is Sharing,

burkalini's Avatar
I have had threesomes with providers that I have seen individually. It was dissappointing in that the providers did less when they had another provider there than when they were alone. I guess it's the what will she think of me thing.
As everyone has said, they are great as long as the chemistry is right, and two hours is the optimum time. In fact, I don’t do one hour doubles; it’s just not enough time. I enjoy the play even though I’m in no way bi. For me it is a revolving triangle of bodies that get caressed and kissed over and over again. Throw in some champagne, toys and great lube and it’s a two hour, very private party.
ammonite's Avatar
I've done about 12 doubles and all but one was great. IMHO I think these considerations are important: 1. Two hours is the minimum time and longer is better. 2. It's best if the two girls are bisexual 3. At least one of the ladies is someone you are very comfortable with and it's better if everyone knows each other 4. and Everyone involved leaves all their inihibitions at home and is willing to go with the flow where ever it may go during the session.