How do you define "open relationship"

Guest010619's Avatar
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t listen, don’t look into it, don’t believe what you hear.
Just stay in the ‘cone of silence’.
You know that he is a hobbiest and basically say you don't care who or what he does as long as you don't hear about it. Then someone else fills your ear with what he is up to then you confront him about it. By doing this you leave him no choice but let you hear his doings from his own mouth. Why bring shit up if you dont give a fuck about it and don't want to hear about it? Who ever told you about his activity should be told to mind their own business or at the very least know that you don't want to hear about it.
Based from what you have written, I would take his getting mad is coming from you saying one thing and doing another. Nothing is his fault in this, just the person with loose lips and you bringing it up. Almost sounds like you threw it in his face, not cool. Originally Posted by Aftershock
Alright, I gotta say something. If someone tells you they don't want to hear about you playing around then by God, you make sure things can't get back to them.

You don't tell secrets to the office gossip so why the heck would you trust anything here to stay private? This site is rife with white knights and princesses and people with multiple handles. Things get around and you should expect them to. In this case, the only people who should know who these two fool around with (if they choose to do so) are the people they are doing.

I have no idea what your marital status is....but if you were married would you let the husband of one of your wive's friends know you hobby? That would be a terribly risky move unless you know they hobby themselves and you are guaranteed mutually assured destruction. It's the same idea here.

If he kept things to himself to begin with none of this would have happened. People make mistakes so I hope now he now knows to keep his mouth shut and leave his memories in the spank bank....or relive them discreetly.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
You know that he is a hobbiest and basically say you don't care who or what he does as long as you don't hear about it. Then someone else fills your ear with what he is up to then you confront him about it. By doing this you leave him no choice but let you hear his doings from his own mouth. Why bring shit up if you dont give a fuck about it and don't want to hear about it? Who ever told you about his activity should be told to mind their own business or at the very least know that you don't want to hear about it.
Based from what you have written, I would take his getting mad is coming from you saying one thing and doing another. Nothing is his fault in this, just the person with loose lips and you bringing it up. Almost sounds like you threw it in his face, not cool.

I like your idea of the open relationship, fuck or flirt with who ever just remember at the end of the day/night you belong to me and I to you. I'll keep my encounters to myself and you keep yours to yourself. You don't wanna hear how he plowed some chicks ass pipe and he don't wanna hear how much of that 10 inch dick you got down your throat... Originally Posted by Aftershock
Nah, you wanna know why's he's mad? Because I told him that would happen! People will be people . people will talk. I asked him so this chick you hooked up recently with was she before or while with me. He said while. I said ok. Thanks for being honest. Told him see now why I didnt want to throw it out there about us and why I had asked to guest my account. Told him I'm not mad, ill see you later tonight. Itvwas whatever . I let it the fuck go.
He flipped . Said I had access , told him nope. Accused me of being a liar. I don't lie to lie. Don't have any reason too. Said i had a wall up. LOL wtf it wasnt worth blowing up about. Es puto and i choose to deal with it. He said fuck that and thank my "WK" for that. That I should'nt have listened. It's one thing if I went asking or looking than fuck it I deserved it. Por pendeja. But I DID NOT GO LOOKING FOR SHIT. WHY if things were good WOULD I WANT to fuck that up? I don't fuck anyone else dawg. I don't use condoms with him. So only thing that would've changed would have been that. He probably tripped out that I didn't run my mouth. Maybe he thought I was gonna pull a him on him. Who knows? He doesn't even remember half the shit he says. . He choose to flip out, than takes it back. Turned shit or misconstruded everything. Yeah i got fucking pussy hurt not because of what he did but because how he acted towards me. I also like the idea of being open. Figured it be easier. I've had fuck buddies, never any issue. Not too long ago I was a sidechick for damn near a year. Can't get more open that that right?
This was my first mutually being open not a side piece type thing. How many females give you the option of doing whatever you want, and know that only YOU have her? That fucker grown. I don't pay his bills so I'm not telling him what to do. So now hiw again am i rubbing ehit in his face? Am i telling people to send me asshole rants from the ml? Or screenshots of his ISO? Negative, but hecsure is! Is he pussy hurt? Doubt it. He doesn't give a shit. I posted because I'm was fucking confused. Maybe I did need need to feel better. Idk? ! As for the "WK" I handled that. I blew up at him. I felt a little bad afterwards but fuck that. His intentions wernt in my best intrest but his own.

I cant be worried about that shit. Life goes on bro

"I like your idea of the open relationship, fuck or flirt with who ever just remember at the end of the day/night you belong to me and I to you. I'll keep my encounters to myself and you keep yours to yourself."
This part of your comment above is how it was suppose to be.
You are on point.

For the record.. He said he posted that thread with the sole purpose of fishing. I didn't go looking. But I choose to react.that's my fault. What's "not cool" is him him setting up that scenario. It was pointless. He went looking for a reason to fuck this off. Thanks for your input though. Appreciate the honest response
Desperado's Avatar
This is getting good
newcumerz's Avatar
So it sounds like you do care. Men are stupid. He had it made. You were cool with him fucking other women while you just tugged? Women will always be women even though they are providers. The first mistake this guy made was believing that you didn't care. Women always care even though they say they don't. Next mistake was thinking that he could keep his sexual encounters A secret.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
This is getting good Originally Posted by Desperado
I know, Right?
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
@ aftershock and newcumerz you two guys are on point. Thank you everyone for you're responses and views. Thank you as well to Everyone who responded in here or through the "ho box.Pretty cool hearing what y'all had to say. "I'm clear on where I fucked up, and what I know I am not going to be doing well as Including taking a different approach if it were to happen again.. Like idk donkey punching him or something lol
Have a good day
Desperado's Avatar
Aww... and it was just getting good... Does that mean no more popcorn???
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Aww... and it was just getting good... Does that mean no more popcorn??? Originally Posted by Desperado
Popcorn DEEZ NUTS! lol
Desperado's Avatar
... But I like popcorn
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Fuck your popcorn
Lol.. Is that from "Mike Vida Local"?
j_mack4u's Avatar
I don't know how to define it but my exes idea of an open relationship was to have as many lovers that would make her happy while insisting I were to remain mono with just her. Oddly enough that worked for me as long as I was getting mine and I ended up getting more than usual after she started!
mayorcastro's Avatar
I can't believe you think it even has the slightest chance of ending happily ever after. This kinda thing thing never works out. Never.
inspector farquar's Avatar
I can't believe you think it even has the slightest chance of ending happily ever after. This kinda thing thing never works out. Never. Originally Posted by mayorcastro
You assume "ending happily ever after" is the only measure of thus labeling the experience as "works out." How silly.