Originally Posted by NYr
Unless I missed it, but closing threads at the OP's request is not addressed. The thread that this thread stemmed was not derailed. There was plenty that could have been posted, even with two participants vacationing.
This topic is fine for discussion and in this forum. Mods are not perfect and folks have right to their thoughts and opinions so long as done in a respectful manner.
The "Bashing" comes with the job.
Originally Posted by NYr
No one is bashing. At least from my perspective ... new modtards tend to be overzealous with the thread lock button, its almost natural.
Yes, you will get the bashing because you enforce the rules of this site that some choose to not follow one or two, deciding it does not apply to them and then get all huffy and puffy when a mod issues a warning or gives them points for repeated violations. The only thing that a member should have an issue with is receiving points or a ban for the same thing on the same thread another member received just a warning on, unless, it is a repeat violation of the same rule.
Originally Posted by davidfree986
St C was quoted. But for reason a thread was closed ...
Maybe the mods should also let 1.3 inches of dangling death to die also! What does everyone thinck?
Originally Posted by gardo
Why would my 1.3" of dangling death die? My 1.3" of dangling death is legendary thus will never die.
threads should not be allowed to drift, be hijacked or die until taint is posted in them...posting taint will get any thread back on topic
Originally Posted by fletch
Now you are talking ...
Yeah, censorship is a time-consuming chore and unnecessary hassle.
Originally Posted by omakase
Censorship has a long history of not working. The dead mod squad never batted an eye thincking about locking a thread.