slowest day of the week for providers?

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
If she falls asleep during does that count?
boardman's Avatar
Any day can be a fine one for humping.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Actually, that WAS last night.
FWB said she wanted a good fucking for her b day.
I rose to the challenge. Called her a couple hours ago. She was still in bed...

I probably won't be able to get it up til sometime Saturday but hey, It was a good night.
It just varies.....
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Varies..but me being low volume, I stay as busy as I want.

Varies..but me being low volume, I stay as busy as I want. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
boardman's Avatar
The OP was just trying to determine which day was the most likely for you to be willing to negotiate your rate.
It the fucktard version of a threAD. Y'all do it all the time. You could be more cooperative. Geez!