Apparently the major is bowing out politely. I'll continue with a banking follow-up and a safety issue.
There is a lot more to bancks tracking money today. The $10K threshold is outdated. Bancks can file Suspicious Activity Reports, SARs, over a lot less than $10K.
Originally Posted by pyramider
A rule from a couple years ago requires bankers (teller supervisors) to be familiar with the folks that make cash deposits. So have your cover story (business) in place and established cause bankers are supposed to be watching for unusual or unknown activity.
As Muse and others mention, that cover should includes taxes. Also, reread Holly's, samantha's, and Devon's comments. A long term business can continue to be successful when a good business person pays attention to the office details as well.
ramblinman69: I know you made your comment as a humorous jest, but I have to mention that one of the KC gals was bawling her eyes out last year over a very similar happenstance. Which occurred at her private hometown in-call. I think everyone in town got upset over that.
So for temporary storage of green confetti: I'm with Muse and Subryna. Safe, or Bank safety deposit box. A local locksmith, or a decent carpenter, can hide a small wall safe for a couple hundred plus install cost. Or, bank safety deposit vaults are commonly open 6 days a week. My bank doesn't allow liquor though. Apparently a wine bottle leaked.