Jimmy Carter: President Obama blew it on ISIL

LexusLover's Avatar
Jimmy Carter: President Obama blew it on ISIL

Originally Posted by LowRider69

He has been spending way too much time at the Titty Bars!!!!
Jimmy Carter's opinion matters? Originally Posted by boardman
You ranked the competence of all the Presidents over the past 35 years, including the current one, as "equivalent."

Do you realize the implications of this?
The right will back anyone who has anything derogatory to say about Obie. Even Satan .
RedLeg505's Avatar
The right will back anyone who has anything derogatory to say about Obie. Even Satan . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So now Carter is Satan???
  • CS25
  • 10-08-2014, 09:33 PM
Carter lacked leadership when we needed it. Reagan did not do everything right but provided leadership and affirmation in America's ideals. He saddled us with huge debt but he did convince Gorby in those ideals, hence the iron curtain was opened up. Obama is not providing leadership either and worst of all it is because of his ego. But it is on a scale big enough for even Carter to recognize AND speak out.

That is so huge...enough for Carter to have to speak publically because Obama will not listen to him with an open mind...or other advisors or foreign leaders. Panetta and Gates have attested to this.
So now Carter is Satan??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
No that was in addition to Carter.
No that was in addition to Carter. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Time for you to start FLUFFING Hilaritys boner...
Time for me to start FLUFFING Hilaritys boner... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Carter had some good ideas and great intentions. He just did not have the capacity to follow through. What makes him one of the worst is the way he let others run him. However, he was probably the most honest President in the last 100 years. If we had Reagan's charisma with Carter's integrity, that would be a President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Time for you to start FLUFFING Hilaritys boner... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
brilliant, as usual, moron!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey! Give Jimmy Carter some credit. When it comes to recognizing incompetence Jimmy Carter is a master and he has the T shirt to prove it.
LexusLover's Avatar
The right will back anyone who has anything derogatory to say about Obie. Even Satan . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Who does the wrong back? The ones who praise him?

I don't think Carter is Satan. Nor do I think Obaminable is Satan.

They are simply incompetent. The difference is Obaminable lies.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Carter lacked leadership when we needed it. Reagan did not do everything right but provided leadership and affirmation in America's ideals. He saddled us with huge debt but he did convince Gorby in those ideals, hence the iron curtain was opened up. Obama is not providing leadership either and worst of all it is because of his ego. But it is on a scale big enough for even Carter to recognize AND speak out.

That is so huge...enough for Carter to have to speak publically because Obama will not listen to him with an open mind...or other advisors or foreign leaders. Panetta and Gates have attested to this. Originally Posted by CS25
Good point - Did Carter come down this hard on any other sitting President?
  • CS25
  • 10-09-2014, 07:29 AM
Former Carter has always followed presidential protocol with all presidents that came after him: Offer advice in private, remain an ambassador for our country assisting the sitting president with visits abroad for dignitary /non-political events, provide connections to the former leader's network BUT never saying anything negative in public. All that is done to help the country remain in solidarity behind our national leaders.

That is until this president and only during this second term. He has tried to continue to stay low-key even for President Obama but now former president Carter feels the magnitude of the mess that this administration has created has risen above remaining quiet. Very telling indeed given that former president Carter is a democratic party member like President Obama.

Former presidents GHWBush and GWBush have remained quiet too but it is easier to understand as they are from the opposing party and will continue to let the incumbent bury himself. But former president Carter is a democrat and it is killing him to see what is going on.
  • CS25
  • 10-09-2014, 07:31 AM
CuteOldGuy...you are 100% in your assessment of Carter's honesty and Reagan's charisma!