Thankfully, Marshall got banned. (For what, the sixth or seventh time now?)

Using audio-to-text software to process the utterances of a screaming banshee must be a violation of forum rules.

If a couple of other guys were implored to cool it a bit with all the promiscuous, redundant thread-starting, I'm in full support.
Maybe it isn't a forum rule (equally applied) but just arbitrary enforcement by a Mod against people/opinions he doesn't like.

That is how liberals roll.

A clarification by the forum mod would be helpful........ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh geez, your rights are being violated. Whiney bitch.
Nope. Not me. Someone else in the forum.

But yeah, I think rules should be applied fairly and evenly. I am surprised you don't think so.

Oh geez, your rights are being violated. Whiney bitch. Originally Posted by timpage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are one mewling bitch.

I think you were probably in better shape when people weren't calling you on your constant hateful lying.

I don't know which thread you're bawling about now Whir-LIE-turd, but I'm guessing most of the hate shit you post would qualify.

For the record, I've never bitched about your posts in private. Only in public ... except of course, when I and others were ignoring you.

LMAO @ disingenuous dipshit!
lustylad's Avatar
It shouldn't be hard to come up with a workable anti-spam rule. How about this? Any time you start a thread that fails to generate at least 5 replies or 50 views within 72 hours, you get banned from starting any new threads for a week.

Ok, that's probably to much work for the mods, but you get the idea. I'm with Cap'n Midnight. Too much crap cluttering up this forum. Anyone notice how some folks even start new threads with links to their previous, unread threads? To me, that's spamming.
They must have forgot about cj who got the same..
Hopefully IFFy got told to quit spamming with all those video's. Big waste of band width IMHO.

If so , it seems reasonable.

Providing a link and a teaser seems normal. Providing a link and the whole article seems like band width waste too.

I'm not in the loop so just speculation on my part.

. Originally Posted by WTF
fucking fucker...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your major malfunction, numbnuts?

You think what you do is cool? I don't give a frog's fat ass about your ideology (look it up, waterhead), you probably ought to consider posting more relevant shit than stuff that says , "Hey I can hijack every single thread with nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit."

Just a suggestion, Slobbrin.

Do what you will.

Whatever the fuck that is.

I applaud our new moderator for whatever he did.

Still don't know what it was, but if it helps move this dipshit's garden back toward sensible discussion, all I can say is:


(Couldn't help myself...)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It shouldn't be hard to come up with a workable anti-spam rule. How about this? Any time you start a thread that fails to generate at least 5 replies or 50 views within 72 hours, you get banned from starting any new threads for a week.

Ok, that's probably to much work for the mods, but you get the idea. I'm with Cap'n Midnight. Too much crap cluttering up this forum. Anyone notice how some folks even start new threads with links to their previous, unread threads? To me, that's spamming. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why don't you volunteer to help Junior?

These "you get banned" rules are gonna attract so many more people to ECCIE and the forum.

But of course, you'd have to OWN something to understand why that might be important!

(Couldn't help myself...) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Either could I...

lustylad's Avatar
Why don't you volunteer to help Junior?

These "you get banned" rules are gonna attract so many more people to ECCIE and the forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You got a better idea, dipshit? You haven't had an original idea since recycling condoms. If you weren't so fucking dense, you would know I was only proposing we ban spammers from starting new threads, not commenting on other threads.

Dipshit Emeritus indeed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who the hell cares? If you don't want to read a post, or a thread, DON'T!
LexusLover's Avatar
What's your major malfunction, numbnuts?

You think what you do is cool? I don't give a frog's fat ass about your ideology (look it up, waterhead), you probably ought to consider posting more relevant shit than stuff that says , "Hey I can hijack every single thread with nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit."
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So posts one of the major "non-substantive" posters in the forum!

You are the ...

......."nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit" Champion.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2014, 07:23 AM
So posts one of the major "non-substantive" posters in the forum!

You are the ...

......."nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit" Champion.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So says the man who thinks it is not illegal to offer hookers checks because checks are not money.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2014, 08:22 AM
fucking fucker...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Of course you would , that is because you are to partisan to understand that the third option is to drink neither. You want the Tea , You need the Tea....