The sorriest travel buddy there ever was
Hello Johanna,
Nice to meet you.
There's obviously going to be a lot of he said she said (in this case, she said she said) in this situation, and as always, the middle ground is the true story. I am leaning more towards believing Johanna, however, since Lacey made some rather racist comments, and after reading Johanna's post, we all know that's not true (her English is better than some native speakers LOL).
People are different, and some may not get along with others. It's very unfortunate that some feel the need to attempt to ruin someone else's reputation because of it instead of letting it go.
OMG--I've always wanted to see Eva but this makes it even more important. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, like a ridiculously hot girl giving you "verbal encouragement" en español--makes the o much more intense to have her growling in your ear "¡Dame tu leche... ahorra! AHORRA!" Finding a way to see Eva @ some point just became a moral-f'n-imperative, not a choice! LOL
Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
Aw thanks hun... one SWEET day, we will have each other...❤❤❤
Johanna spoke her piece (in Perfect English) so as there are two sides, I'm not picking one. Like I said earlier, I personally don't befriend hookers, I'm cordial, but nothing serious for these reasons. Shoot, I don't even tour w my own sister. It's nothing personal, just a preference.
So, are we going to have a Mod shut this one down since both sides have spoken?
Great English Johanna. Your points are well taken.
Haha I seemed unstable?
Okay, I'm going to try to address the novel you wrote belittling me as best as I can at 3am and tired.
Yes, I carry a gun. I'm sorry if that scared anyone. If they said it made them uncomfortable I put it away, out of sight. But at the end of the day what we do is dangerous and I'm not going to be defenseless should the inevitable one day happen and someone tries to rob, hurt, or kill me. And if that would have happened to either of them who would they be looking to for protection?
As far as me going to the bathroom, being unstable, weird, whatever. I was on my period. Yes. There you go world. Raging. Fucking. Period. And I told Johanna that. So that's why I had to ask her to pause doing her makeup.
Why is running water weird? I don't even recall doing that unless I was actually using it.
As far as the finances go... I had just paid almost $2,000 in bills THAT week. Just because we get paid a lot doesn't mean I make my job my life, I do this so I can work LESS than 40 hours a week, be home to cook dinner for my son, read him bedtime stories, volunteer for the PTA, be a home room volunteer, chaperone his field trips, and still be comfortable. I see 4-6 clients over the span of 2 weeks (on average). I don't see people in my home like you do. It costs me $100-$200 every day that i work. That leaves NOTHING "to be pondered about".
I came to New Orleans the day we all arrived with like $700 in my pocket. That should've been more than enough, I was trying to be practical and budget my money in case it was 2+ days before I got an appointment. I have a family that I support... Not everyone's a rockstar like you apparently.
The room... I had no problem paying for my room. She said I needed an Eros. I don't think Eros is very popular in Nola, I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure Johanna only had 3 appointments if that in the 4 days she was there. I had work on my mind. This was a leisure trip for her apparently.
I watched tv for a total of 20 minutes of that before I turned it off because although that's the only way I am able to fall asleep I was trying to be considerate to the other two people in the room. Sorry I didn't do it fast enough.
Yes, I am a heavy sleeper. I wish they wouldn't have been considerate and woke me up. Not their fault they were trying to be nice.
As far as Johanna trying to act like I'm a broke hoe, she's way off on that. I had $500 in cash in my wallet, I spent like $150 at the mall, spent $50 on room service, $25 on parking, and had $100 left in my wallet. YES. I DID count my money when I woke up, to gauge how much I could afford to spend that day if I did not have a client. So, it was weird that I "announced" I needed her to leave the bathroom so I could handle my monthly visitor, but it's ALSO weird that I DIDNT announce counting my money? I think YOURE weird Johanna. Anyways. I had put so much pressure on myself to make sure they had fun and that the weekend went good that yes, when I had money come up unaccounted for I broke. I felt like a total failure and that I was going to have to leave early and not get to see the trip through. I felt like I failed them. I teared up in the bathroom quietly and briefly, got dressed, and I excused myself from the room (which apparently is still weird). Went downstairs and had a smoke, got some lunch and regrouped.
I have never paid more than $150-$200 for a 2-3 hour boudoir session. P's rates I believe we're $250 which was totally fine with me. She and Johanna shot for an hour(ish) while I got ready. Is that not okay? Apparently not. Once I was ready they were doing their own thing which was fine, but as they are speaking back and forth in Spanish I started feeling like an outcast. I got FOUR pictures out of the deal, which is fine. Whatever. They're great pictures, the photographer was amazing at what she does and the only one that was polite to me. So don't act like she lowered her rate for me because I'm a unstable, poor person. I shouldn't have to pay more than $75 for FOUR PICTURES. Is that weird too? Yes, I misplaced my bronzer brush. Yes it frustrated me. Thanks for helping me look for it. It took all of five minutes and I did not ask yall to stop and help me look for it. All of our beauty supplies were mixed up together from putting them up for the shoot. Don't act like you've never misplaced anything before. I let you borrow my hair products and I tried to help you style your hair. Since you're mentioning every detail as if girls don't help each other out and you deserve a cookie. Jesus Christ. Like, I can't believe all of these things are weird to you. THATS why this didn't work. Because you think EVERYTHING is weird. Yes, you brought me eyelashes. Thanks. And yes, I forgot to pack heels, thanks for letting me borrow them. I'll send them back ASAP because keeping them was not my intentions, nor are they my type.
As far as the language barrier. All I meant by that was that I don't think her way of saying words and my way of saying words meant the same to each other. She learned proper English. It would be the same as if I learned proper spanish and tried to speak to her in it. Not saying she doesn't know proper English, I hope I am communicating this point better than my original post which apparently I needed to elaborate further to avoid this.
The guy at the club... No. Nothing went down the way you said. I don't care who you talk to. As soon as we walked in some stranger pulled you away from me and P, and brought you to that guy whom you talked to the entire time we were there. I Made the best of it and actually had a good time talking with P. She and I BOTH were like "what's going on? Is she okay" as we are sitting at a table watching people dance to techno music, looking like they are on drugs. It wasn't my scene. It had nothing to do with who you were talking to. We sat there for a long time just sitting there. I had a weird guy who was obviously on drugs who had been glow sticking the entire time try to get me to dance with him. How do you dance to glow sticks and sober? It wasn't you or him. You could've stayed for all I cared... You're grown. I would've worried about you but obviously that would've also been too generous. It was the environment. These are ALLL things we could've talked about but you got all passive agressive and weird. Wait, because I'm "unstable and armed"? Lol. The whole time you were in town you obviously were concocting all these theories and weird things in your head but you NEVER ONCE said anything to me about it. I'm a very nice person, I am approachable, down to earth, I don't have anything to hide. You could've very well mentioned any of these things to me and they could've been dealt with before me being confused and hurt as to why you were being standoffish and before you determined in your brain that I am flaky or whatever you decided.
The guy that you're referring to, the client. I did as you said and I gave him my information and told him when I would be in town next that I would let him know. By this point I was swamped by people wanting to see me. What else am I supposed to do? He didn't ask me for an appointment until the next trip. Glad you got to see him again. 👍
The client who invited us to Ruth's chris. Yes, I'm aware you are a vegetarian. I made you aware that they also serve seafood. Not only that but he gave me like $1,000 to gamble with and that was the plan for you too but you're such a stick in the mud.
I did not insult your race. Don't even go there. I feel as though there were possible miscommunications or you misreading or misunderstanding me.
Nor did I walk out on her shoot. You and her we're having a great ole time and not in an ugly way. She and I agreed that if I did not have appointments that night that we would shoot just me. Which I did have appointments. Which you and I both agreed that they took precedence.
lunch... You were already there by yourself. I asked if I could join you. We didn't have plans to meet there. I wanted to get an outfit for my date that night, your friend was supposed to join you but he got too aggravated to find the riverwalk. You jogged there and said you were jogging back. Why am I obligated to stay when I have an appointment to get ready for? The oysters were great, the crab cakes sucked which you agreed, I paid for both of our food and I left. Sorry? You had already been a snob to me. Why would I stay and sit at a table that you were texting, FaceTime, and talking on the phone the whole time when I have things I need to do too?
We confirmed the doubles appt the day before, I was talking to bill while in the room with you. We ALLLLLL agreed on 1:30. What else is there? It was the next day. Was I to assume you wouldn't remember? Honestly I didn't want to do the double with you either because of your holier than thou attitude, and you never spoke to me really the whole time you were there. It was you and Megan and that's it. And Megan trying to include me.
Because I cried? Because I lost my makeup brush? Because I don't want to be a victim and protect myself? Because I asked you out of the bathroom for 5 minutes? Because you heard water running? Because I went downstairs a handful of times? Whose the weird one Johanna? Seems like I'm human, idk wtf you are.
Yes, this IS all turning into he said she said....
I think it's funny that
1. The conversation you allege I had with "P" never happened in that way. I recall asking if Johanna knew the guy in the bar because of the lengthy duration of the conversation. It wasn't your typical bar encounter... But I'll leave this one for you to ponder. P was just as much ready to go as I was.
2. It's strange that the bar sucked and I wanted to go somewhere else? Yall/you could've stayed there as long as you wanted. I find it strange that you didn't since you were having such a good time, and somehow that's my fault for not wanting to hang out at a mini rave. You have a voice. Use it. For all I know this guy is a creeper and you needed someone to bail you out of it. I'm not a mind reader and the fact that you think I am is "odd".
3. The next morning I slept until 10am. Is it ALSO odd that I need 8 hours of sleep? I'll leave that for you to ponder.
4. I set 482056794833 alarms because it was important to me to wake up at the ass crack of dawn when yall did even though I wake up at 6am every morning with my 5year old and this was one of my only opportunities to sleep in in God knows how long. But im gonna take a wild guess that that's strange too.
5. A guilty conscience needs no accuser? SERIOUSLY? We were both in the bathroom getting ready, you were blow drying your hair. I felt bad having to ask you to step out as I am not usually shy but at that moment in time I realized that I had a monthly visitor issue that I was very embarrassed about. I'm getting upset even talking about this. You are insinuating I was up to something in the bathroom and I am mortified even telling this story. Shame on you. Seriously.
6. This was the point in the bathroom I heard low speaking and then spanish conversation. I guess it's strange for a girl to have a bathroom emergency, and if she does it means she deserves being talked about behind her back. You're right, my fault.
7. Your client said I suddenly stopped responding and that I am shady. This BUSINESS is shady and there are times that require me to put my phone down, I do not text unless it's an emergency during appts, and my appt that night did not end until 3am. Assuming he's married, responding at that time was probably inappropriate. But I guess I'm a little off for thinking that.
8. during your story about our lunch you keep making smart comments about how little I ate or that I "nibbled". I guess we need to ALSO bring up the fact that you by your own admission "have curves spinners are jealous of" so you probably have a larger appetite than I do. I'm sorry I did not sit down knowing I had something to prove. I was not impressed with their menu and what I DID eat wasn't very good. Dinner was only 2 hours away, why fill up on tourist garbage when I'm about to eat Ruths Chris? Pulled a "Lacey" and left your friend hanging at lunch? You are not my friend, nor were you ever, if you were my friend you wouldn't judge me for running water in a bathroom, forgetting my makeup brush in my car, being understandably confused about where the money went to, understandably tired after staying out with yall till 2am. We are NOT friends. That's WHY I left you at lunch. Because you didn't even talk to me. I got tired of going out of my way to be nice to someone who obviously didn't give a damn. I'd rather go look at dresses and eat fking soft pretzels. No, it didn't work out. Because you made it weird. Everything was weird to you, and you never opened your mouth to fix it. You just kept being weirder and weirder and expecting me to still want to hang out with you. But I love how in your post you maintain your insinuations of me being shady although you have no real basis and that your story is totally different than everyone else's I've heard and the one I was present for. My suggestion to you is to stop reading so much into things. I don't feel sorry for you and no one else should either because you spent 4 days around someone who runs water in a bathroom, asks you to step out, is once visually upset about money or misplacing a brush. It must've been terrible.
Mods. It should be about that time here soon.
Lets just agree that it didn't work out between you two. Ya'll are not in each other's back yard.
I take nothing negative out of this against Lacey, and I've never met J and likely won't (because she's not in my back yard).
No need to defend yourself, dear. Your time with your client's speak for itself.
Anything implied is laughable - your explanation makes total sense.
I wouldn't respond further.
This type of issue rarely gives anyone a boner - its bad for all business.