I have refered THIS tour of duty as a mini vacation, I am still doing an important job here, is it safer than Iraq or afghan? Yes, and that is one reason I chose to come here. I have already been to Iraq and witnessed first had people dieing and being permanently maimed on that tour of duty, so until u come out and say u have actually been anywhere overseas in a combat zone and seen that shit first hand, shut it. I have never once had any issues with you, Salem is dead, why post pictures like that? To get a rise out of some people, well of course u did that, that is the disrespect I am referring to, she had her demons and they over came her, now let her rest in peace.
Originally Posted by rodeomann22
You arrogant fool, ordering silence from anyone who hasn't lived their life as you have? It is exactly that belligerent superiority that creates my disdain for certain members of the military. Those of us who don't 'serve' still put our pants on the same as you and are not entitled to your disrespect. If you were slightly humble I might be tempted to appreciate your 'service'. I am not, you're on vacation sucking up tax dollars for whores and cigars and you sir, are welcome, whether you appreciate it or not.
You've never had issues with me? You call me out once a week. I'm tired of your demands I be more like you.
Am I just trying to get a rise? Maybe. I'd like to think I get some people to consider things differently, but maybe that is arrogance on my part. If I sometimes succeed, I fail plenty. It is usually those that claim they never fail I watch out for. This shitbird sucks and brings me no joy but, to my thinking, it is addressing bullshit that sucks worse.
I think if Brutus wants to show respect closing a good review is a poor way to do it. You say respect the dead, I have a few examples where that might not be the case. Your reaction to the pictures is about you.
This probably should have been in the sandbox as it has nothing to do with the hobby.