I was attacked...

Whispers's Avatar
There is two sides to every story and too many of you guys are too quick to take her side of the story.... Bunch of PW WKs....

sixx... I'm VERY disappointed in you as you have a responsibility to the board not to weigh in on something like this prematurely....

LEt the OP have her moment I guess... Me.. I'm gonna wait for the other side of the story,,,,
glad your ok
You seemed to have quite the command on that chair when I saw you just days ago....
quote fromNatalie Reign:
Then I grabbed a paddle and beat the shit out of that swing for 30 minutes.

Oh, to be a sex swing in your tender hands.....
lovelamp's Avatar
There is two sides to every story and too many of you guys are too quick to take her side of the story.... Bunch of PW wks

LEt the OP have her mom.. I'm gonna wait for the other side of the story,,,, Originally Posted by Whispers
Call me a wk if you want but I have met both the accused and accuser and that swing has a beat down coming the next time I see it
lmfao wow can i barrow your paddle lol
missi hart's Avatar

Missy, you are absolutely hilarious! I feel like I should buy you a drink sometime. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign

hmmm, let me consider that for a nanosecond...ok, deal!