Do yourself a huge favor, and please go see an indie, whether it be for massage or more.
Firstly, you have much more control over seeing an inide. You can do your research beforehand, make sure you are seeing someone reputable and also will know what to expect, and get exactly the kind of experience you are hoping for.
Walking into a parlor, imo, is equivalent to gambling your money. You're about to dish out x amount and you may or may not feel that the experience you receive was worth it. Why take that chance when you have so many other options at your fingertips?
There are many massage providers out there if all you want is a massage (ahem...myself included
But seriously, as I said, why take the chance?
The other thing I would be worried about is cleanliness and hygiene. God knows what goes on at most public parlors, but again, if you visit a reputable provider, you can make sure you are safe on all ends.
Happy hunting.