Girls with guns...

Exactly, or 9mm. Same for kids. The step up to light shotguns and/or other heavier items is easy after that, and just progresses.

Here's an example, and back to the thread, of an itty bitty brunet, in a black bikini, with a 50 cal. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Damn, that was hot. Felt a little tingle every time she adjusted for another target.
I have a 22 pistol for new shooters that want to build some confidence, but I have hound most people are fine with starting off with my full size 9mm pistol. Some new shooters gravitate to my carry pistols but physics gets in the way of that being a good choice.

I have a couple AR15s that are fun to shoot. I normally like to have a new shooter have foam ear protection under over the ear protection because they are a bit load at an indoor range). It's been a while since I have had a girl to take shooting though. I never push it, just leave a general offer on the table.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-17-2014, 05:58 PM
Is this where I talk smack about someone saying "clip" to prove I know more about guns or recommend what I think ladies should shoot or where I post a pick of a hot girl WITH a gun?
I'm confused!
As far as pictures of women with guns, I don't care as much for pictures where it looks like the gun is added to an existing pose. I would rather look at the women of the idf Facebook page where they are clothed.

A naked girl with a gun is attractive, but a competent girl with a gun is ridiculously sexy.
A naked girl with a gun is attractive

As I think about it I'm not sure a naked girl with a gun is a situation I want to be involved in.
A naked girl with a gun is attractive

As I think about it I'm not sure a naked girl with a gun is a situation I want to be involved in. Originally Posted by bigryan2222
The situation i envision is a hot nude woman with me in bed that stops a home invader. I dont know how a woman could ever be upset with me.

From a practical standpoint i am concerned for a womans safety. I have been burnt by hot brass and it would be a shame for an extra sensitive area to get a little red mark from a burn.

The situation i envision is a hot nude woman with me in bed that stops a home invader. I dont know how a woman could ever be upset with me.

From a practical standpoint i am concerned for a womans safety. I have been burnt by hot brass and it would be a shame for an extra sensitive area to get a little red mark from a burn. Originally Posted by SixShot

I have provided years of firearms instruction to my daughter and on one occasion she was wearing a tank top in the heat of the summer and we were shooting. A .22 brass went in her cleavage and she started dancing around like a baby. I told her to toughen up. She then showed me a serious burn on her cleavage, a scar still exist today I am told.

So girls please cover up when your playing with hot brass.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
There is no limit on the size of gun for a lady. The limit is the size of a person. A 44 magnum has just too much kick for me to be comfortable. A 357 is the same size bullet as a 38 with a longer case. I shoot 38's in the 357 at the range to save on the cost of ammo. A 357 has more kick than a 38, but it seems about the same as a 38 special + P.

I taught my daughter to shoot, along with all of my step daughters. It helps to build a ladies confidence. All of the girls went fishing, hunting and camping with me. I don't think there is any limit for what a woman can do except for her body size. But that applies to me also. It is a good thing I wasn't in the grunt units in the Marine Corps. Having to carry 100 pounds of gear is not my cup of tea.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Yep, I have been shooting since the age of 6. I have a 38, 357, 41 and and AR15. Yea!!! I'm in the market for a 45 auto, and 9mm.
zeejoe's Avatar
I have a Tavor rifle. The Israeli Army (IDF) is putting their US made M-4s into storage in favor of these things. The IDF still requires mandatory military service by both genders for Israeli citizens. Think 18-22 year old girls in uniform with infantry training.

The upshot is- you can't buy an Israeli rifle and follow boards about it on the internet without seeing tons of pictures of real, hot girls in real uniforms with real infantry weapons.
Search 'Israeli Army Girls' or something similar- it's a thing.

The rifle's kinda hot too-

I once took a gal shooting in North Carolina in a tight leotard that eventually came off...thanks for reminding of an awesome experience. And, BTW, ladies, I offer free shooting lessons
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 12-10-2014, 11:13 AM
Yep, I have been shooting since the age of 6. I have a 38, 357, 41 and and AR15. Yea!!! I'm in the market for a 45 auto, and 9mm. Originally Posted by Holly Love
I have a 9mm and I absolutely love it! !
I love my 9mm and my chrome 380 but I love to shoot just about anything. I used to be pretty damn accurate. I suppose I need to get to a firing range soon to see if I still got it
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 12-10-2014, 11:57 AM
I love my 9mm and my chrome 380 but I love to shoot just about anything. I used to be pretty damn accurate. I suppose I need to get to a firing range soon to see if I still got it Originally Posted by Gemma34
How HOT would that be!! Yummy! !
We should go together! I always have fun when I go to Bullseye here in Wichita.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'd like to thank Gemma, Holly and Emmie for putting a daydream in my head today, for which I can not stop smiling, of our local ECCIE gals (and yes Wichita is still local) in appropriate atire hunting board trolls.