The Houston socal bust

notanewbie's Avatar
that was very well done.

no wonder Hitler was soo uptight.

Amanda W, that's old school.
this is funny all the time. I have seen it with a diffferent story line about 6 times. Crazy
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Now that is fucking funny....

kudos to who ever made it
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That Hitler video has been getting a lot of mileage with many disguises!

Very funny!

The once might Hitler is now even willing to lower his standards to get some strange, even if he smells like cat piss afterwards!

befoe58's Avatar
WOW! Being a newbie I don't know all the folks mentioned but that was hilarious.
Funny shit!
tia travels's Avatar
I laughed so loud, I wonder if the maid in the hall heard me.

That was simply beautiful. 2 thumbs up!!
too fucking funny!!
Dstorm's Avatar
WOW! Being a newbie I don't know all the folks mentioned but that was hilarious.
Funny shit! Originally Posted by befoe58
If you did, it would be ten times funnier!
  • Laine
  • 01-25-2010, 09:16 PM
Alexis of Tulsa's Avatar
OMG I haven't laughed that hard in awhile, kudos to whoever created that.
Shhh.... Don't repeat that ever again.... You don't want to conjure the demons! Originally Posted by Whispers
Brmike1963's Avatar
talk about bumping a thread. i opened this thinking it was a NEW bust in Houston.

gotta admit it is Friggin hillarious ... he feels like I do about the socials!
notanewbie's Avatar
I am not sure what I enjoyed more...the bust or the video. Both made my anus tingle.