Providers showing their face

melannie_star's Avatar
I'm just speaking in generalities today, and keep in mind, I am a hooker, too. So I'm obviously not throwing stones here, just stating my opinion. The young girls need to stop showing their faces because they are going to ruin any other options for them in the real world. The Internet is forever, and Google results are your DNA. Future jobs, future lovers, future friends, etc. will be able to find those skeletons. Good luck ever having a normal life.

I'm on my best behavior today. That moderator NYr won't stop flirting with me, sending me love notes in the form of warnings, kicks me out of chat, and he even called me rude!

I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious now. Xoxoxoxo NYr! Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
Then I do apologize sweaterpuppies.. I misunderstood and just saw where you responded to planojim where he responded to me. I do agree as far as any of the younger ladies who may still have a different direction in future. When it's all said and done I do know that this is not for everyone.

I must be moody today. Sorry
My communication skills have improved, but not

And spicyzoey, I really admire you. Thank you very much and is great to see another lady like me who desires this industry as a lifelong career. I agree with opening a health clinic for youth or some way mentoring younger ladies who want out or even help with self esteem issues . Some young girls do this as runaways or do not see a way out. Those are the ladies who I would reach out to and would give my last dime to help. This life is not for everyone, and those like spicyzoey and myself are few and far between. I would Give back to the industry that has built my life to what it is today The best help is coming from those who have lived it themselves and understand.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Then I do apologize sweaterpuppies.. I misunderstood and just saw where you responded to planojim where he responded to me. I do agree as far as any of the younger ladies who may still have a different direction in future. When it's all said and done I do know that this is not for everyone.

I must be moody today. Sorry Originally Posted by melannie_star
I'm sorry, too.

See NYr, I can play nice Now get off my ass, bruh.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

I must be moody today. Sorry Originally Posted by melannie_star
Melanie baby, nothing that a good, long kiss cant cure. If my memory serves me right, youre a great kisser (wink, kink)!
melannie_star's Avatar
Melanie baby, nothing that a good, long kiss cant cure. If my memory serves me right, youre a great kisser (wink, kink)! Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
That sounds Purrrfect! Muah
TinMan's Avatar
No one is "shaming" ladies in this thread. We are stating hard facts about the world outside of the hobby. Some of us are actually in a position to know how organizations go about the hiring process. Many of us have been in the hobby long enough to have met many young women who regret some of the choices they made when they were younger, and might have done things differently if only they had someone play devil's advocate.

I am not saying any woman should be ashamed of what they do here. It would be the height of hypocrisy for me to take that position. I am simply stating that you do not know where your life will lead you in the years ahead. Don't limit your options by betting all your chips on the hobby lifestyle.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
We don't need assholes to mansplain to us how the world works. You assume that we are too stupid to understand these things and that's actually very offensive. If you simply want to inform ladies who may be unaware of how hiring processes work, then please do state the facts. But DON'T assume that we don't understand how the world works and DON'T tell us what to do as though you are wiser than us. We are the ones running the businesses here and it's not really your place to decide that just because we are whores, we must not know what we are doing. That actually IS a shaming tactic and it's very rude. Express your opinion, but there's no reason to treat us as inferior or unaware just because we make a decision that you don't personally agree with.

I'm happy to limit my options in ways that preclude me from working with those who would stigmatize sex workers. My activism includes living my life openly and that's what I choose to do. It's my choice and I don't appreciate your assumption that it is borne out of ignorance. My decision isn't about the "hobby lifestyle" it's about a deep conviction that sex work is nothing to be ashamed of and that neither I nor other sex workers should have to hide what we do. I am simply enacting the changes that I wish to see in the world, starting with MYSELF. So there's really no need to be condescending and act like you know more about the world than I do just because you know a lady or two who regretted their decisions. Maybe you can focus on telling the hobbyists who demand face pics to stop doing that or spend your energy fighting for acceptance of sex workers in society rather than getting on a high horse and telling intelligent independent women that we need to hide our faces due to fear that others will discriminate against us in the future. I refuse to make my decisions that way and your assertion that I need to make decisions out of shame and fear about potential future discrimination is offensive, period.
gntman's Avatar
[QUOTE=TinMan;1056083584. ......... We are stating hard facts about the world outside of the hobby. Some of us are actually in a position to know how organizations go about the hiring process...................
you do not know where your life will lead you in the years ahead. Don't limit your options by betting all your chips on the hobby lifestyle.[/QUOTE]

TM: +100.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
I only read the first paragraph of your diatribe, but it seems you are trying to make something out of nothing.

Calm down and go back to gnawing on your shoe.
TinMan's Avatar
Zoey, you are making a lot more assumptions about me than I am about you.
I'm proud of what I do but I'm also aware of the social stigma and that this won't just follow me, but will follow my children if I chose to show my face. The internet is forever and I would hate if my child were confronted about it someday by his peers in school. Kids can be very cruel and I would not want my child being ostracized bc of something I choose to do in private. Would anyone??? Just bc I'm okay with it doesn't mean everyone else is or anyone who they may want to surround themselves with.

I have been told a number of times that I should show my face but the money isn't worth the invasion of privacy to me and my loved ones, now or in the future. It's no ones business what I do in private.

For me, it would be careless and irresponsible on both a professional and personal level.

Different strokes though...
Reverend Raincoat's Avatar
For me, not showing my face has nothing to do with family. It has everything to do with the internet being permanent and I don't plan on being in this business forever. Kiss of death in a nice professional job is letting it be found that you were once a hooker. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I couldn't agree with this statement more. well put!
planojim's Avatar
Dear 'Puppies' ....I don't know what your problem is today but I think that YOUR opinion is a little 'skewed' ! If a lady chooses to live her life as a provider then it's HER business as to whether she makes that life choice or not. I've met a lot of friendly and fun providers who have much more class than some women who live a non-providing lives. If a providers friends and family accept her for who she is and the choices she makes then she is MOST fortunate indeed! Where I come from you support your friends and family and respect what they do and who they are. Most friends/family would surely disown or constantly berate a relative or friend who was discovered to be a provider.
I Support Melannie, or any other providers who CHOOSE to make their living, or just earn extra cash, as a providers if that's what they want to do!
If a young provider, or any provider, makes a CHOICE, to show her face then she's old enough to be responsible for her own actions.

Preach! I do not approve of the ladies ever showing their face. It seems to be mostly the younger ladies, maybe they are too busy YOLO'ing to realize this can and will come back to haunt them.

And planojim, you surely have a skewed opinion of this, but to say she is "fortunate" to have friends and family who respect her decision to be a hooker. Really? I would say the exact opposite, she is unfortunate because her friends and family clearly don't give a shit about her.

Also, if she has no further aspirations beyond being an escort, then fine, go for it; show us your ugly mug!

This is my final answer. Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
planojim's Avatar
FYI...ThatHottNurse has a BEAUTIFUL face!! She's also a great lady and a cool chick!

I'm proud of what I do but I'm also aware of the social stigma and that this won't just follow me, but will follow my children if I chose to show my face. The internet is forever and I would hate if my child were confronted about it someday by his peers in school. Kids can be very cruel and I would not want my child being ostracized bc of something I choose to do in private. Would anyone??? Just bc I'm okay with it doesn't mean everyone else is or anyone who they may want to surround themselves with.

I have been told a number of times that I should show my face but the money isn't worth the invasion of privacy to me and my loved ones, now or in the future. It's no ones business what I do in private.

For me, it would be careless and irresponsible on both a professional and personal level.

Different strokes though... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
My answer to this question has always been
"If they see my face here, then that means they are here too, for their own reasons so I dont have to be ashamed"
No one is "shaming" ladies in this thread. We are stating hard facts about the world outside of the hobby. Some of us are actually in a position to know how organizations go about the hiring process. Many of us have been in the hobby long enough to have met many young women who regret some of the choices they made when they were younger, and might have done things differently if only they had someone play devil's advocate.

I am not saying any woman should be ashamed of what they do here. It would be the height of hypocrisy for me to take that position. I am simply stating that you do not know where your life will lead you in the years ahead. Don't limit your options by betting all your chips on the hobby lifestyle. Originally Posted by TinMan
I agree TinMan.

None of the ladies who provide for a living or for extra cash need to be ashamed. There are many ladies in the RW who do the very same thing (gold diggers, the girls who suck dick and fuck to get a promotion, ect.). At least, the ladies on the adult boards are open and honest about it and how they go about it (the majority of them anyway).