I don't see girls without a positive review history so if they don't have one I move on. I agree that everyone's tastes vary and a single review on is own is not necessarily the final word, but taken in aggregate they do form a fairly accurate picture of the type of session you are likely to have.
After positive review history, my process generally goes something like this:
- Facial attractiveness if known
- Other physical attributes according to my wants at the time
- Menu offered (My criteria vary depending on the type of session I'm looking for and the outcome of #1 and #2)
- Intangibles (Is there something non-physical about her ads, posts, profile that attracts me to her?)
- Donation
I do this for variety so my criteria change depending on what I'm looking for at the time but in general that's how it goes...
If #1 and #2 are off the charts then aside from some hard limits (positive review history,no CBJ) nothing else matters.
Sometimes though I'm looking for a specific type of session and am willing to bump #3 up to #1 and the rest down a notch.
Other times something about a girl's intangibles draws me to her inexplicably and then literally all that matters is #4 assuming that #1 and #2 fall within acceptable limits (and she's not CBJ).
What can I say? I like women!