A question for the Mods and anyone in the community that cares to discuss

CryptKicker's Avatar
He calls them petty rules in the way he wants things handled sir. We do not enforce such "rules" and you are twisting his meaning. We do ask that the name of the provider be in the title of the review but do not mandate it. We do usually add in a subsequent post links to the lady's ECCIE account and/or showcase when they are not in the review but there is no rule about that other than if nothing for a URL is provided it could lead to not getting PA credit and bumped threads are only enforced on reviews. Not sure why you are continually trying to make mountains out of molehills here but that is your right to do so within the board guidelines. But you will find that West Texas is governed per the owner's wishes in almost every instance. The lack of useless prattle in the forums is more a result in the fact that out gents work long hours in various professions and so most of them have little time to troll the board simply to BS it. Even before I became a moderator that was the tenor of this area..... pretty much all business. But feel free to entertain whatever delusions you have about how this little piece of ECCIE runs. After all, everyone should have a fantasy life.
Whispers's Avatar
The post in question was inadvertently removed. It was restored and my post to Rick was my weird sense of humor in copying the tenor of his post. You would have to have been in the West Texas forums to understand. I explained the situation to Rick and he was fine with the explanation and has moved on. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

buzzzzzzzz..... Wrong Answer......

It was, a pretty easy question. I am surprised you do not know the correct answer.

Perhaps you would like to have 27West handle this question for you if you do not know the correct answer. Maybe he can shed some light on it. Or Wallance?

I guess if you were not the MOD to remove it than you might not know the right answer...... But if that is the case than you are here making inaccurate statements without the knowledge to answer the question.

I hope it is OK to "assume" that you simply do not know rather than to believe you might actually lie to us.

In regard to your "weird sense of humor" can you see how the nature of how you answered RickyBoys questions tended to make him look a bit foolish and suggested he was complaining about nothing really? Hardly seems an appropriate use of the position of a MOD....
Whispers's Avatar
He calls them petty rules in the way he wants things handled sir. We do not enforce such "rules" and you are twisting his meaning

If that is the case then perhaps I should apologize. But the thread is about the enforcement of guidelines here in these forums in relation to the rest of the board and the policies defined by the owner as displayed in other areas.

I am sorry that I misunderstood his intended use of the words "rules" in relation to the way the rest of the board.

We do ask that the name of the provider be in the title of the review but do not mandate it. Most members respond to a MOD "asking" for something to be "telling them to do" something. You have a position of perceived authority that you need to consider when "asking" for some things... We do usually add in a subsequent post links to the lady's ECCIE account and/or showcase when they are not in the review but there is no rule about that other than if nothing for a URL is provided it could lead to not getting PA credit and bumped threads are only enforced on reviews. Not sure why you are continually trying to make mountains out of molehills here but that is your right to do so within the board guidelines.

They are examples another member provided that I responded to. I did not go looking for them and present them on my own. I will always respond and provide my opinions on what others post in a thread I start. I believe to do otherwise is rude.

But you will find that West Texas is governed per the owner's wishes in almost every instance.

I posted some examples regarding the way a post being removed should be edited with a staff note, left in place, restored and then commented on why it was moved..... Is this NOT one of the "owner's wishes" ? I've seen many examples where it has been stated pretty clearly that the owner wants transparency in the actions of the staff..... Removing a thread without any comment is hardly a wish of the owner..... At least not one I've heard of.

The lack of useless prattle in the forums is more a result in the fact that out gents work long hours in various professions and so most of them have little time to troll the board simply to BS it. Even before I became a moderator that was the tenor of this area..... pretty much all business. But feel free to entertain whatever delusions you have about how this little piece of ECCIE runs. After all, everyone should have a fantasy life. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

Feel free to take jabs at me sir. Most MODs do not stoop to that sort of pettiness but you are certainly entitled to it.

My interest in ECCIE is not remotely a "fantasy life".....

Nor is asking questions based on what I posted "entertaining delusions"....

Take a look a the tenor of my very first post in West Texas.... As a MOD ask yourself at what point my posts became questions if they were accusatory and confrontational in nature or if I was simply responding to the hostility of another member.

Moderating the forums and the other member's actions would have probably resulted in my not having much to say.

I am not prone to simply talk to myself.

AS others have felt it necessary to take jabs at me they open doors for questions and set the tone in the place....

I must thank Mr. Deere for that. He's proven very willing to open doors....

busternutzs's Avatar

Apparently you have too much spare time on your hands. I am officially closing this thread at least to my eyes. You have raised your point and now it's seems you are sinselessly nitpicking

Maybe you could spend some of your time writing a review since its been a year and 3 quarters since your last review.
Whispers's Avatar

Apparently you have too much spare time on your hands. I am officially closing this thread at least to my eyes. You have raised your point and now it's seems you are sinselessly nitpicking

Maybe you could spend some of your time writing a review since its been a year and 3 quarters since your last review. Originally Posted by busternutzs
I do have a bit of spare time. I've wrote over 500 reviews in my days since the beginning of ASPD and quit writing them when people that disliked me chose to express their displeasure by attacking the ladies I review or in some cases a lady that merely agrees with me in a thread.

The board offers many ways for a member to contribute and there are no shortage of members that seem to appreciate my contributions in the area of the hobby that my interests currently lie.
Phrasing's Avatar

Apparently you have too much spare time on your hands. I am officially closing this thread at least to my eyes. You have raised your point and now it's seems you are sinselessly nitpicking

Maybe you could spend some of your time writing a review since its been a year and 3 quarters since your last review. Originally Posted by busternutzs
Made me think of this
...members that seem to appreciate my contributions in the area of the hobby that my interests currently lie. Originally Posted by Whispers
WHO. it's WHO dammit. not members 'that.'

I am as tolerant of the short form errors on board postings as anyone; however, if one takes such pains to construct long, well-researched posts and then blue-washes them (yes, it's quite annoying) then you should be accountable for being ignorant.

Go away. Go to college. Get some 'learnin, jackass. You need a hobby. That OP must have taken you 2 hours. Good God. I hear Austin has a school for the perpetually inebriated. Maybe you can go there.

And your last post before this one was so full of error I'll have to retire before I have time to deconstruct it.

Now we ALL know why Deere feels as he does.
john_deere's Avatar
holy fuck.

it's like christmas morning right now.
john_deere's Avatar
now that i've had some coffee i just want to add a couple of things…

first, challenging the status quo and discussing different ways of doing things is fantastic. what's not fantastic is trolling and attention whoring. if you have an idea, do it right like d_friday and make a thread in the questions for the staff section. cryptkicker has never failed to give reasonable and polite answers.

second… sometimes unwritten rules are the most important ones. as ck has said, reviews are the lifeblood of this board. west texas is a unique market and out here, more so than in the big city, quality of information is very important. using the moderator position to maintain a high standard is not only a good thing, but absolutely necessary.

so… if your review sucks, and somebody says "hey dipshit, fix your review", that - at least if it comes from me - isn't personal. it's just roughneck lockerroom communication between men. i'd expect the same if it were my review. at that point, you have two choices… either step up and do the right thing having learned what the standards of the community are, or act like a cunt. option b will have obvious consequences.

finally, since we are talking about moderation… all of the above makes me wish we had a timeout forum on this board. moderators would have the prerogative to put anyone in there at any time for any thing… for any amount of time, as they saw fit. people sentenced to the timeout forum would have only one privilege… posting in the timeout forum. they would stay there until the moderator felt they had learned their lesson.
utrlbk1976's Avatar
I managed to gather two thoughts from reading this thread.

First, I have never seen a hobbiest WK for another hobbiest. He is very concerned that Ricky may have gotten his feelings hurt.

Second, I wonder if he as ever stopped to think why so many people dislike him. Apparently, so many people can't stand him that he can't even write a review anymore.

I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with him. It's probably the fault of the Mods who are censoring all of his posts that don't make him look like an arrogant asshole.

We'll never know.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Again... It's not a conspiracy no matter how much you want to make it so. We have new moderators and sometimes things happen. I fixed it, the party involved understands why it shouldn't have been moved, and the board didn't implode because of it. I'm not in the habit of throwing my teammates under the bus so I as senior mod in West Texas took the blame for our mistake. If you want to make more of it than that then you are swimming in the pool by yourself.
Phrasing's Avatar
Again... It's not a conspiracy no matter how much you want to make it so.. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

We have new moderators and sometimes things happen. I fixed it, the party involved understands why it shouldn't have been moved, and the board didn't implode because of it.. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

I'm not in the habit of throwing my teammates under the bus so I as senior mod in West Texas took the blame for our mistake. If you want to make more of it than that then you are swimming in the pool by yourself. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
john_deere's Avatar
First, I have never seen a hobbiest WK for another hobbiest. He is very concerned that Ricky may have gotten his feelings hurt. Originally Posted by utrlbk1976
the funny thing is - unless it's a brilliant alt-troll - he and rr hate each other. their feud makes the hatfield-mccoy war look like a playground scuffle. rockerrick would probably rather fuck a porcupine with herpes than be "defended" by whispers.
john_deere's Avatar
Again... It's not a conspiracy no matter how much you want to make it so. We have new moderators and sometimes things happen. I fixed it, the party involved understands why it shouldn't have been moved, and the board didn't implode because of it. I'm not in the habit of throwing my teammates under the bus so I as senior mod in West Texas took the blame for our mistake. If you want to make more of it than that then you are swimming in the pool by yourself. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
mrjiggyfly's Avatar
I just want to say. Holy dumb fuck. I've been on here regularly for several months, it's always been a smooth sailing ship.. No stupid drama, just good info being shared. Then Whispers shows up from left fuckin field and claims that everything sucks and has sucked and will suck forever without his expert tutelage. GTFO with your bullshit man.

And JD, keep fightin the good fight. You're the voice of the people.