rioseco's Avatar
Like an exposed nerve... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Like an exposed TURD !
Pwwwwwaaaaah.............you stupid bastard !
Was curious about what has happened to the guy who shot him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
His name is Eddie Ray Routh and he goes on trial next month for the murder of Kyle and a man named Littlefield.

Before you ask: Chad Littlefield was a neighbor of Chris Kyle and logistics manager at an oil firm.
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts.

Liberal Loon from The Guardian writes:
"The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?”

and Michael Moore can't be left out:

Michael Moore's uncle was an "invader".
I B Hankering's Avatar
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts.

Liberal Loon from The Guardian writes:
"The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?”

and Michael Moore can't be left out:

Michael Moore's uncle was an "invader". Originally Posted by Whirlaway

And during WWII, the Soviets were invaders also:

“There are so many and our country is so small … where will we find room to bury them all?”, a Finnish quip summarizing the Finnish opinion of the thwarted 1939-40 Soviet invasion of Finland.

During WWII, Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä acquired the highest recorded number of confirmed sniper kills (505) in any major war.
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts.

Liberal Loon from The Guardian writes:
"The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?”

and Michael Moore can't be left out:

Michael Moore's uncle was an "invader". Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Haven't you said everyone in Hollywood is liberal? Who make the movie? Fuck Michael Moore
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-18-2015, 07:01 PM
Haven't you said everyone in Hollywood is liberal? Who make the movie? Fuck Michael Moore Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Eastwood directed it. No liberal there but he also made Million Dollar Baby and Gran Torino. Me thinks his movies are meant to make one think...which is a stretch for JD.
If not for raineirland.com ticket sales would have been double.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-18-2015, 07:21 PM
I thought the Pat Tillman story was ten times better but our righties did not seem to embrace a man who actually gave his life..
I thought the Pat Tillman story was ten times better but our righties did not seem to embrace a man who actually gave his life.. Originally Posted by WTF
Weinstein should have offered it to Clint.

Wakeup's Avatar
I'll wait for Wakeup's review. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I won't ever see it...reading the book was hard enough...

There are certain things I don't want to have a third person visualize for me...and there are certain things that hit too close to home.

I made a mistake watching Act of Valor...I won't make it again, with movies like Lone Survivor or this one...
I won't ever see it...reading the book was hard enough...

There are certain things I don't want to have a third person visualize for me...and there are certain things that hit too close to home.

I made a mistake watching Act of Valor...I won't make it again, with movies like Lone Survivor or this one... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Thank you Brother!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Snipers have a particular skill set that they use to save lives (Kyle saved American lives) and terrorist bombers like Bill Ayres had a particular skill for only taking lives.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I won't ever see it...reading the book was hard enough...

There are certain things I don't want to have a third person visualize for me...and there are certain things that hit too close to home.

I made a mistake watching Act of Valor...I won't make it again, with movies like Lone Survivor or this one... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Went to see Angelina Jolie's directorial debut, Unbroken, last week. Wasn't certain Jolie could credibly present such a subject on the big screen, but she did: and she did it well. As the audience filed out of the theater after the show, there was a cluster of elderly women hoovering near the door. One of them was crying. One of the other ladies remarked, "Her father was a POW during WWII." It was obvious the film brought home to her how her father must have suffered.
Went to see Angelina Jolie's directorial debut, Unbroken, last week. Wasn't certain Jolie could credibly present such a subject on the big screen, but she did: and she did it well. As the audience filed out of the theater after the show, there was a cluster of elderly women hoovering near the door. One of them was crying. One of the other ladies remarked, "Her father was a POW during WWII." It was obvious the film brought home to her how her father must have suffered. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Japanese don't care for Unbroken very much.


I often wonder just how much is taught in Japanese Schools about pre-1946 Japan. The Japan of now has very little in common with the Japan of that era. But, just as Germany recognizes the evil of their past History, the Japanese should come to grips with their History.

Denying that events happenned does not change facts. It only dooms people to fall into the same trap again.