Summons for Jury duty on the CristiCutiepie versus longhornz trial!

She's not that young. I don't see why anyone here would feel bad for her. I personally think the poll is funny .

You learn stealing is bad before you even hit pre school. Age is not an excuse to rip anybody off.

Why should you expect to be ripped off just because the rate is dirt cheap
promdate's Avatar
i may have leave my semi-retired state cuz i think i'm in Luv or falling rapidly for Ms Nikkiwhite!!!!
Let's get a rope.
inspector farquar's Avatar
It would be nice to see more appreciation post's! Originally Posted by Drtry2
You're 100% right!

I appreciate all of the ladies that don't rip off their tricks.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Come back to SA, NikkiWhite, we need more Ladies of your substance /style here.
Chincho's Avatar
Does the continued bashing of CCP Really advance the participation of the ladies on this board? I'm all for quality alerts like what Longhornz posted but not for the pile on of degrading comments that always seem to follow.

It would be nice to see more appreciation post's! Originally Posted by Drtry2
As of now 81.08% of the voters feel the continued bashing of her is the correct thing to do and I bet along with us tricks there's some hoes who make up part of that 81.08%.

Oh and by the way if you want to see some appreciation posts about hookers go read the provider reviews that are posted daily in San Antonio there's plenty of yes reviews written and I guarantee you the well reviewed ladies appreciate the cash those reviews generate.
Power Toolz's Avatar
Come back to SA, NikkiWhite, we need more Ladies of your substance /style here. Originally Posted by NavyManSA2004
Her forehead would arrive a few hours before she would
Chincho's Avatar
Her forehead would arrive a few hours before she would Originally Posted by Power Toolz
I got a 100 bucks she verbally destroys this dude.
Stand back white knights let her have him!
Precious_b's Avatar
She is a verbal ninja.
Driver420's Avatar
Saw her profile and she looks cute to me......
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I know this Flinde. I too stay away from the younger gals and try to stick with more known well established providers, ex. Sonya Playmate.

I never once bitched or complained about the situation. It is what it is. I simply put an Alert out there so if others wanted to partake in this movie offer/deal, I shared my experience much like anyone would in an independent review. If others want to go ahead with this deal and get fucked in the non-hobby way, then this deal is out there and available. Originally Posted by longhornz
I think you did the right thing by putting your alert out there. I would have done the same as you.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 01-16-2015, 10:40 AM
It would be nice to see more appreciation post's! Originally Posted by Drtry2
Umm...I appreciate the hookers that keep screwing up so that i have some entertainment?
Doglegg's Avatar
I normally hear Flinde as a voice of reason however, in this case I think we need to make sure thievery is awarded with lots and lots of publicity.

I helped put this at 84% for the thief CristiCutiePie.
Her forehead would arrive a few hours before she would Originally Posted by Power Toolz
Im not seeing the joke here? Referencing my ego, brain, or my literal forehead?

All three are bigger than your dick so I understand the jealousy.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Im not seeing the joke here? Referencing my ego, brain, or my literal forehead?

All three are bigger than your dick so I understand the jealousy. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite


I've heard that a large forehead is a sign of superior intelligence.