Chili, beans or no beans...

Oh lordy, I pity your waistline. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Lorde, Rocky! This is about good food, not counting calories!
I love.beans in chili, but I have found my date may disagreeś during a spirited 69 session. No bean chilli is preferred in that scenario. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
We get the point, don't eat beans
before a date. Put that on my memo.
  • mwise
  • 01-16-2015, 07:53 AM
I put very little beans in my chili, like 2lbs of meat to 1 can. I do put mushrooms, bell peppers, onions etc...
Moto1971's Avatar
Beans Beans Beans, I always make mine with light red kidney beans but then again I like to use steak in my chilli as well. Yummy
No beans. And for the meat, I like to shred a pound or two of my smoked BBQ pork shoulder!