Auctioning off Virginity ...

I was with a virgin last month. I won't call it "taking" his virginity because he asked me to have it. wasn't....great. It was awkward, mostly because he thought it was the guy's job to run the show. Had he just hung out and played as a contestant, instead of trying to be the host, I think we both would have had a better time.
lol lucky guy ... he probably had the time of his life!

I was with a virgin last month. I won't call it "taking" his virginity because he asked me to have it. wasn't....great. It was awkward, mostly because he thought it was the guy's job to run the show. Had he just hung out and played as a contestant, instead of trying to be the host, I think we both would have had a better time. Originally Posted by Nina Rae
It sounds like all the men in this thread are on the same page but I want to hear from someone that WOULD actually bid and the reasons behind it!!

One of the bidders actually came on the show but didn't really explain why this situation was so appealing to him.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
And you are absolutely right Nightwalker ... but we're talking about 6-7 figures here as opposed to the 1,000-5,000 that I've seen providers charge for an overnight. Originally Posted by Eden_Monet
6 figures!!!! Damn, I am calling my OB-GYN to see if he can sew me back up??????


elcid180's Avatar
6 figures!!!! Damn, I am calling my OB-GYN to see if he can sew me back up??????


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Well in that case I might bid but just cause it is you Lea.

The one and last time I was with a virgin the cost was prohibitive. Twelve years of my life, what a dumb ass I was LOL
And you are much more attractive than her! You might want to make that phone call Lea! You never know! lol

6 figures!!!! Damn, I am calling my OB-GYN to see if he can sew me back up??????


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Lea Madisson's Avatar
OB-GYN said I needed to wait until I was finished with menopause... HUH???

Well, I guess I could get even more after my operation by being a Menopausal Virgin!!!!


I B Hankering's Avatar
My ATF lost her cherry,
but that is not a sin.
And the box, she still does carry,
is where her cherry’d been.
My ATF lost her cherry,
but that is not a sin.
And the box, she still does carry,
is where her cherry’d been. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Bababoeuy's Avatar

The virgin is looking to get 7 figures for her virginity.
You can bid on
thank you for the link Bababoeuy ... It gives my thread some validity.
This is sooo 'Pretty Baby'! Remember that scene when Brook Shields is carried down the stairs on a silver platter to have her viriginity auctioned off? I am sure it was a regular occurance in the heyday of Storyville. It was a cultural thing. If you were born in a brothel and that's all you know, that was where your power would lay (no pun intended). The Madame would make sure it went to the highest bidder!

I have had two virgins come to me as a provider. One was 25 and Asian. He constantly found himseld in the 'friend zone'. When he turned 25, he kind of panicked, and got on the internet. Everything he thought he knew came from watching porn, so it was challenging, to say the least. But he was great. We had a dinner date and I swear, by dessert he was dripping sweat just thinking about it!

The other guy was a sweet young thing from Cambridge University, no joke. Scarf, accent, the whole thing. I thought I was on Candid Camera. He was visiting NYC and told me an older friend handed him a piece of paper with my name and number on it before he left. I have no clue if I knew his friend or not.

I took both of these experiences very seriously. I always ask the Universe for kind, generous gentlemen I can be of service to. Who am I to question what service they need?

And yes, I know they will always remember me!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
6 figures!!!! Damn, I am calling my OB-GYN to see if he can sew me back up??????


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
its being done in china for those women who've had their cherry's popped restored so that they are "marriage" prospect for chinese men looking for virgin females.

that is kinda sad.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The virgin is looking to get 7 figures for her virginity.
You can bid on Originally Posted by Bababoeuy
pretty girl tho. she'll be looking like her mother in 40 years.
Lea no reason to call the gyn just

The vagina is a very complex body part.

My fiance died late 2006 so for the rest of 06, all of 07 I shut down. Stopped filming, providing and having sex period. I just wasnt ready. anyway nobody care about my sob story the point of giving u that background was to point out that after that big no sex gap I was so tight that not only was it painful for me but my partner experienced discomfort as well due to the lack of elasticity. ( Tight aint always )

Now with that said actually virginity loss is messy, confusing and emotional for the virgin involved. What guy really wants that head ache? and if he does want the head ache does he really want that six figure pocket ache?

My suggestion. If you really want do deal with all that drama and blood
go online and find one of them cheap damaged pimped girls while she is on the rag.

you got all the mess and drama that you wanted and saved yourself a few grand... lol