Is it time to tap out?

I've been thinking the same thing. Not a lot of reliable/reputable providers in the area anymore. I've been trying to hit some local or touring providers up this entire week, but they either flake out or don't have enough references. Getting kind of lame. There are a few local ones who keep flaking out, and it' aggravating. The "flaking out" (atleast to me) seems to be on both ends... Originally Posted by PeterFitznugly
Can you expand on the term "flaking out", like some details so maybe we can learn from your experiences. Seems like you've had quiet a few of those lately. I wonder why?
turtle138's Avatar
Well as long as we continue to get fine talent like Rachelina, Naveha and local talent like Summer.
I may have to play a little longer.
NoelSummers's Avatar
I am sorry that some of you gentlemen seem to be having trouble with local girls being reliable/reputable. I promise that we are not all like that!
turtle138's Avatar
That's for sure. You are one of the best.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-17-2015, 07:21 PM
Noel, My comments were more directed to the difficulty getting traveling ladies to stop in Albuquerque. I intended nothing disrespectful towards the NM ladies. I am sorry if it was taken that way.
I know I am somewhat of a newbie in this scene but just from my observations for the past few months it seems there are always a handful of traveling providers during any given week plus some lovely seeming local gals as well.

Maybe there used to be more? I find myself surprised there are as many options as there are.
NoelSummers's Avatar
Thank you Turtle! You are such a sweetheart!
Old-T, No offense taken at all! I was more responding to what PeterFitznugly had to say. I completely agree with what you had to say at the beginning of the post!
I've pretty much checked out.
As a fellow touring lady, I will have to agree with some of the points being made here. I have not personally traveled to the NM area in years (I kind of miss it, which brought me to the discussion forum)

We miss you too Kourtney. Stop by again if your travels bring you near us. Originally Posted by Kourtney Lynn
Well, I unfortunately am getting a taste first hand, of what the touring ladies are going through here.

I flew in earlier this afternoon and have had nothing but no shows, cancellations & zero follow through after an inquiry. I've had people emailing me numerous times a day for the past week, and then no show. I will give them a little time to make right before reporting them to other ladies.

Unfortunately, a few bad apples can ruin it for the bunch. Tomorrow is a new day and I am hoping to relive some of that New Mexico hospitality that I used to love, some time ago

I saw Kourtney yesterday and was a great time as always. Review to come soon. She has stated the continued situation with NM of NC/NS. And you guys continue to wonder why we are having a lack of quality traveling and local providers.

There are some great local gals here that we need to treat well or we will lose them also. Maggie May, SweetNicki, Neveah, Noel Summers etc, etc. Just to name a few who are active here. If I did not name someone it is not a slight just my limited memory.
I saw Kourtney yesterday and was a great time as always. Review to come soon. She has stated the continued situation with NM of NC/NS. And you guys continue to wonder why we are having a lack of quality traveling and local providers.

There are some great local gals here that we need to treat well or we will lose them also. Maggie May, SweetNicki, Neveah, Noel Summers etc, etc. Just to name a few who are active here. If I did not name someone it is not a slight just my limited memory. Originally Posted by beyondthere
Thanks babe As always, it was great to see you! And so far, you are the only one who has actually showed up. Thank you

I do travel to NM fairly often, but the problem I run into the most there is guys wanting to book last minute short sessions and/or ncns. I believe in quality over quantity, so I keep my daily bookings minimal. I understand things happen on occasion, but it becomes difficult to justify the costs incurred for a trip to NM compared to the high likelihood of flaky/problem clients.
[QUOTE=Kourtney Lynn;1056425692]
I flew in earlier this afternoon and have had nothing but no shows, cancellations & zero follow through after an inquiry. I've had people emailing me numerous times a day for the past week, and then no show. I will give them a little time to make right before reporting them to other ladies. Originally Posted by beyondthere
Kourtney, This is not to single you out in any way.

From another perspective, I have wasted multiple hours and fuel attempting to see a SP, I forget the name off the top. Initially I was told they were downtown then in uptown then NE and back to downtown. After being jerked around town I canceled and was met with the SP wanting 2x cash or they would leave negative feedback. This has not been an isolated incident but the worst I have ever experienced.

A few weeks back a reputable SP (and one I would see) shared that the above mentioned SP most likely left very negative feedback tied to my username. We have also had a few loose cannons here in NM that have caused quite a bit of damage through false reviews on both sides.

Ideally we could go back to an environment that respected boundaries and individuals personal lives. For NM I hobby very selectively, when I make an appointment I keep them.

Sorry that you have experienced a number of flakes here. I am hopeful that the environment will change. For now I have mostly checked out.
It's a shame that you've had so many nc/ns and quite frankly I suspect some of them may have been from the aforementioned loose canons trying to create havoc.

My personal experiences with touring providers has been pretty disappointing unfortunately. They always seem to flake out on me or change their availability at the last minute that conflicts with the time I had for the appointment. Only 1 has come through for me in the past 2 years. Therefore I've given up on touring providers because it's just a huge waste of time and energy on my part.

As for hobbying in ABQ I'm pretty much done. Between the loose cannons permeating the board and a few disappointing experiences with local providers I'm giving this up for awhile. An UTR ATF tried to pull a fast one on me earlier this week which was the last straw. Not sure what's up with ABQ hobbying, if this is just a major lull or the new status quo now.
It's a shame that you've had so many nc/ns and quite frankly I suspect some of them may have been from the aforementioned loose canons trying to create havoc.

My personal experiences with touring providers has been pretty disappointing unfortunately. They always seem to flake out on me or change their availability at the last minute that conflicts with the time I had for the appointment. Only 1 has come through for me in the past 2 years. Therefore I've given up on touring providers because it's just a huge waste of time and energy on my part.

As for hobbying in ABQ I'm pretty much done. Between the loose cannons permeating the board and a few disappointing experiences with local providers I'm giving this up for awhile. An UTR ATF tried to pull a fast one on me earlier this week which was the last straw. Not sure what's up with ABQ hobbying, if this is just a major lull or the new status quo now. Originally Posted by JHurt1968
I'm very sorry to hear that. Respect is definitely a 2-way street. Time is of the essence and nothing peeves me off more than someone who has no respect for others time. And just the same as a few bad hobbyists can ruin the bunch, the same is said for visiting providers too. Unfortunately, I have heard this complaint often in many parts of the country. It's easy for a few to give the rest a bad name. I hope for you all, that this is a phase that will pass and is not the new norm for this area.
