You do realize that Obama is not running again and that Rudy has already run and got trounced. The Dem's would love for this guy to run again. Originally Posted by WTF
'05 was far from an active campaign, besides, ever hear about Thomas Edison??? It took him 1000 times to make a light bulb, and when people said he failed, he responded, I didn't fail, I just learned a 1000 ways that making a light bulb did not work. (I'm ad-libbing, hence, no quotation marks) Without failure Mr WTF, there will be no success.

BTW, I do understand Obama isn't running but what the Dems have on the table, certainly is no better, remember, she was his Secretary of State.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2015, 02:48 PM
'05 was far from an active campaign, besides, ever hear about Thomas Edison??? . Originally Posted by Cherie
I've heard of Thomas Edison and he has a better chance of getting elected in 2016 than Rudy does. Besides , Rudy ran in 2012 and didn't make it out of Florida.
Enjoy. I did. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have no doubt whatsoever that TrendingIdiot enjoyed Rudy's remarks. Why? Because, Rudy's infectious words were the latest chapter of the ongoing novel, appropriately named "The Birther Movement."

You remember that idiotic work of fiction, don't you? Of course you do! It was red meat" for Trendy and his fellow Idiot's to gorge themselves upon. And gorge themselves they did! For months at a time, dining at the same table! Hell, they never moved!

And now the Idiot's are feasting on more red meat, prepared by a different chef, using a different recipe.

And yes, they are still dining at the same, infested table!
rioseco's Avatar
I have no doubt whatsoever that TrendingIdiot enjoyed Rudy's remarks. Why? Because, Rudy's infectious words were the latest chapter of the ongoing novel, appropriately named "The Birther Movement."

You remember that idiotic work of fiction, don't you? Of course you do! It was red meat" for Trendy and his fellow Idiot's to gorge themselves upon. And gorge themselves they did! For months at a time, dining at the same table! Hell, they never moved!

And now the Idiot's are feasting on more red meat, prepared by a different chef, using a different recipe.

And yes, they are still dining at the same, infested table! Originally Posted by bigtex
Keep it going.
All of you slop swillling maggots have been lapping it up for six straight years.

It's been a hell of a good run for you, and still you have two years left.
There is no telling what unpredictable shit the bastard boy king will vomit next. Enjoy the next two years because when his heirarchy is over, then all the real dirt will come out.
If the ice caps melting has liberals pissing your panties now, then wait till y'all try to outrun the tide of corruption that will follow your messiahs departure.

Enjoy a rich belly laugh now. Mock me today and the next, but in time it won't seem quite so laughable to you sheep.
Keep it going. All of you slop swillling maggots have been lapping it up for six straight years. Originally Posted by rioseco
Who is it again that are the "slop swilling maggots?" I could make a strong argument that the true "slop swilling maggots" were the Idiot's who fell in love with "The Most Unpopular President in Modern History" and were too ignorant to fall out of love with him.


The recent Pew Research Center's poll compares the high's and the low's of each Administration dating all the way back to Ike. Who was the lowest of the low? You guessed it, George W. Shrub, at a basement dwelling 22%.

How low can you go?

I know this will probably make you "slop swilling maggots" painfully sick but Obama's high's and low's compare favorably to Reagan's. Obama's high's were not quite as high as RR's (68 vs 64) but by the same token Obama's low's are not as low as RR's (41 vs 35).

All things considered, the high's and low's between Obama and Reagan are comparatively speaking, quite similar.

Ohhhhhh, the irony!

Eat your hearts out, you ignorant bunch of "slop swilling" Idiot's!

Read 'em and weep, slop swillers!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's the mistake here, the ignorant bullshit posted by Cornholio, or the idiots in his Klan, err, Clan, who don't speak out against it?

Absent any discussion to that effect, I can only deduce that everybody to the right of Ghengis Khan (or his brother, Wrathof) agrees with The Great Cornholio.

Yet it poisons any chance of there being an orderly, intelligent debate on this forum.

Thanks Cornholio!
rioseco's Avatar
Who is it again that are the "slop swilling maggots?" I could make a strong argument that the true "slop swilling maggots" were the Idiot's who fell in love with "The Most Unpopular President in Modern History" and were too ignorant to fall out of love with him.


The recent Pew Research Center's poll compares the high's and the low's of each Administration dating all the way back to Ike. Who was the lowest of the low? You guessed it, George W. Shrub, at a basement dwelling 22%.

How low can you go?

I know this will probably make you "slop swilling maggots" painfully sick but Obama's high's and low's compare favorably to Reagan's. Obama's high's were not quite as high as RR's (68 vs 64) but by the same token Obama's low's are not as low as RR's (41 vs 35).

All things considered, the high's and low's between Obama and Reagan are comparatively speaking, quite similar.

Ohhhhhh, the irony!

Eat your hearts out, you ignorant bunch of "slop swilling" Idiot's!

Read 'em and weep, slop swillers!

http://finance.yahoo.com/news/obamas...130820283.html Originally Posted by bigtex

Answer : All of you who nurse at the trough of Obama and liberalism are the "Slop swilling Maggots" !
Anymore dumb fucking questions ?

Obama equally as popular as Reagan ? Truthfully Obama wouldn't make a pimple on Reagans arse. Reagan was a better actor and a far better thinker. Just shows that once the country was comprised of intelligent free thinkers and now through attrition (death) and ignorance it is full idiots like your chosen crowd,. The party of "gimme free stuff" and "how am I gonna get paid ?"
Remember Lil swiller, "The problem with socialism is that you keep running out of other peoples money."-- Margeret Thatcher

Happy guzzlin !
rioseco's Avatar
What's the mistake here, the ignorant bullshit posted by Cornholio, or the idiots in his Klan, err, Clan, who don't speak out against it?

Absent any discussion to that effect, I can only deduce that everybody to the right of Ghengis Khan (or his brother, Wrathof) agrees with The Great Cornholio.

Yet it poisons any chance of there being an orderly, intelligent debate on this forum.

Thanks Cornholio! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Aaaah again, go eat shit and die ass maggot !
'05 was far from an active campaign, besides, ever hear about Thomas Edison??? It took him 1000 times to make a light bulb, and when people said he failed, he responded, I didn't fail, I just learned a 1000 ways that making a light bulb did not work. (I'm ad-libbing, hence, no quotation marks) Without failure Mr WTF, there will be no success.

BTW, I do understand Obama isn't running but what the Dems have on the table, certainly is no better, remember, she was his Secretary of State. Originally Posted by Cherie
So Republican failure is ok but when Democrats do it somehow it bothers you?
Aaaah again, go eat shit and die ass maggot ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Snappy comeback. I guess the two brain cells you got chasing each other around up there stopped long enough to get that complex sentence out
Answer : All of you who nurse at the trough of Obama and liberalism are the "Slop swilling Maggots" !
Anymore dumb fucking questions ?

Obama equally as popular as Reagan ? Truthfully Obama wouldn't make a pimple on Reagans arse. Reagan was a better actor and a far better thinker. Just shows that once the country was comprised of intelligent free thinkers and now through attrition (death) and ignorance it is full idiots like your chosen crowd,. The party of "gimme free stuff" and "how am I gonna get paid ?"
Remember Lil swiller, "The problem with socialism is that you keep running out of other peoples money."-- Margeret Thatcher

Happy guzzlin ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Better thinker? Like when his heart told him it was the truth but the facts and evidence said otherwise? That's some deep thinking right there. Not to mention trickle down economics. Jesus, that was deep thinking shit.
So Republican failure is ok but when Democrats do it somehow it bothers you? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Failure????? Why it wouldn't be failure, it would be just learning that he must work at it a little bit harder and run a more active campaign. Why your Hillary has run before and "failed" (as you might call it) so do you think maybe she shouldn't run again???? Probably not, she's got more chutzpah than most politicians and that, I do admire in her. I just don't like her politics, amongst a few other things.
rioseco's Avatar
Snappy comeback. I guess the two brain cells you got chasing each other around up there stopped long enough to get that complex sentence out Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I can always tell when it strikes a nerve. Made you uncomfortable, unable to restrain yourself, huuh homo ?
rioseco's Avatar
Better thinker? Like when his heart told him it was the truth but the facts and evidence said otherwise? That's some deep thinking right there. Not to mention trickle down economics. Jesus, that was deep thinking shit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Just keep guzzling at that trough swine.