I am going to try to post this with out getting spanked by a mod or ruffle to many feathers how ever something happened in a phone conversation I can't help but to confront
I thought the point in a reference was just to make sure I had seen them and that I would see him again. Period means he did not arrest me disrespect me stiff me or hurt me.
Ok so let me try do do this the right way..
ring.. Hello this is DJ Hello DJ this is x have you seen xx on the board? where or when did I see him? uhh he did not tell me that but i'm guessing this xCity and x State he's a new member .
OH yes He is a sweet heart i wrote me a review and went under welcome and into in that City and I responded telling him I am glad he finally became a member I HAVE SEEN HIM SEVERAL TIMES.
To me that's should of been plenty but no the conversation continues even after she admitted to knowing all of the above.
Can you tell me what kind of man he is??????
HU????? what do you mean I just told you he was a sweet heart
No I mean how tall is he how old is he if you had to guess??? WTF??
So now Im shocked and trying to remember Whats his name Damn I forget
What is his nationality I think he has Italian shit I can't remember he's not AA I met him here at XXXX last time he's looking at getting a new car he has a hairy chest That is all I remember.
REAL FREAKING TALK. I just happen to remember the car thing cause i'm looking to do a trade in we talked about the pros and cons.. But you know I have seen him more than once I understand you want to be safe dear heart and you normally don't see newbees but to ask a woman that has been in this business for 14 years to remember what a client looks like exactly after 4 months has passed hell i cant remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday. I posted in a public forum that I knew him told you where I saw him and when the last time that should of been good.
I TRAVEL all over my clients can not wait to get pleased until I finally make it to there city if I make it back. So I tell them all about Eccie and how to get updated and verified look at my stats I think I have refferred about 22 that is counted for on here I have actually reffered hundreds the just did not put my name but I refferer many. And when a girl contacts me on a references I do my best to send a response if they have reviewed me I normally remember them if they have not I at least need to know city State about time and where.
Originally Posted by Majichands
Lol, you sound like me, When I check references that's all I want to know, was he safe and would you see him again.
I've had girls ask questions like this when checking a reference and I always thought it was kinda weird too.
I've had a girl ask what kind of drink a guy likes, how tall & big he was, what his heritage was, what he likes sexually.
If I remember him, I probably know his heritage, but how big/tall he is, or what he likes to drink? No not gonna remember that. chances are we didn't have anything to drink. And I dont measure guys lol.
Some of these questions I just have to laugh at like;
Was he fuckable? wtf kinda question is that, are you in this for business or looking for a relationship?
Does he tip? That might depend on how the session went, I have a few regulars that always tip 100+ but I've had 1 of them tell me that I was the only girl he's ever tipped and that he believes I should raise my rates so he gives me what he thinks I should charge anyways.