This month

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Just because you dont like me Whispers thats your issue no one elses,

I neither like nor dislike you Shayla..... I just tired of your use of CoEd as an advertising medium long ago.... The never ending WOE IS ME threads you posted wore on many... I decided to give you the attention you desperately seek here while making sure others see the many sides of your participation.....

and all you do is get on here and put girls down that dont fit what you like...

That's not true.... There are MANY ladies here that do not "fit what I like" I am cordial and polite and have a variety of conversations with them..... There are a few that I do not care for because of their displayed attitudes here..... Those I feel the need to respond to.

You cant hurt my feelings sweets, you broke me in long ago, everyone knows that you get on here all high and mighty because of your connection to this site and thats it, in the real world your just a big old douch bag that if you didnt have money youd have no meaning...

LOL! My "Real World" is nothing like most want to believe..... I enjoy a very full life off the board as well as the occaisional diversion presented here.

AND bringing children into this is just another show on how pathetic you really are, you dont need to worry about them, there just fine thanks

I'm sorry Shayla.... Please keep this accurate.... YOU brought YOUR children up here in CoEd last year in February as yet another excuse as to why people should show pity n you and spend a little money..... Just as you have brought so many other issues to the community over your time here.....

Considering you made a cry out for help and received help I think it is a reasonable question to ask you a year later..... It says a lot about you as a person if you can share that you've done the right thing and regained the custody and reunited your family.

It would let everyone here know that the help you were provided actually materialized in some positive effect on those close to you....

Or if... they were merely the "Excuse De Jour" for why some should see you...

Man you must really think about me to still have that good of a memory when there are so many hookers coming in and out of this board....

Nope... I never "think about you"... And would rather never hear anything about you..... But you feel the need to grace CoEd with your desperate cries for attention.... So here is a little of what you cried out for....

One thing that changes here every day is the make-up of the community....... YOU have a history.... When you are gone for a while and pop back in there are a crapload of new guys here that might take a look and decide to spend some money.....

Some of those might think differently if they know MORE than you want to openly provide..... An interaction like this has the effect on potential clients of saying..... WHAT THE FUCK?... and going and doing some research of their own!

Yes.. There are MANY hookers around here and remembering much about any of them is nearly impossible..... YOU however have imprinted yourself here in a variety of ways and anyone that does a search on you will see the never ending drama surrounding you and the culmination of it in your story last year as to losing your kids.....

keep in mind.... These are YOUR stories as shared by YOU!

No matter how many xmas things you through or how much you help others thats non void when your a asshole the rest of the time, thats like someone murdering someone and then going to confession and then doing it again, Karmas a bitch, watch your sodium intake sweets, we wouldnt want anything to happen. Originally Posted by shayla84
Oh I agree Shayla.... Karma is a bitch.... But she's been gone from the boards for a lot of years now.....

Try running an ad like 95% of the ladies around here do and you will little to nothing from me.....

But each of these "Hey Remember me" threads that you or others choose to run here in CoEd will serve to really help old as well as new guys remember or learn what a drama queen you have always been and the kind of person they are giving their money to when they make that choice....

Whispers's Avatar
Looked at claires reviews, Awesome as always, whispers someday youll learn your just a fly on all of our screens, annoying as hell. Originally Posted by shayla84
I learned a long time ago the effect I can have with the posts placed here Shayla......

Claire?.. She's that " I would never" that has become one of those "BNG girls right?
I am sorry you feel that way sweets, I have lots and lots of guys and girls that say they miss my presence on this board, you are taking what YOU feel and putting that on what everyone feels....
I dont put out threads that are ads considering I am not there yet and I am not doing anything that anyother girl doesnt do before they come through so thanks for that 411.

And sweets everyone that knows me there in austin knows that I am a good girl, besides the people that have never met me before but that will change to the people that havent. I am sure that everyone by now knows you and your stanky ass attitude, not only towards the women but you tend to think your better then alot of the guys here to, but your not, the only difference is, is that you have connections to the owners of the site so somehow that makes you special :/
Whispers I do enjoy our little conversations, Im sure when your not being an ass your a great guy lol But I am scheduling my travels, I cant wait to be in Austin JUST for the little fact that it seems to piss you off...
Doesnt Matter, seems like your the only one that has an issue with what claires doing, hmmmm didnt know you were the AD and Hooker police. Looks to me shes still the fucking awesome girl that knows how to swallow a cock like a pro, so whats changed shes been that pro since before me, are you mad cause of her prices or because shes offering BNG's at the time....
YOU sir should worry about your self and your own hookers that you play with and leave everyone else shit alone.
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Back soon... Gotta work and get laid.....