Was there ever a time when John's had more control of the menu and the price?

drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 03-05-2015, 11:08 PM
I thought the ISO forum was a bartering bar?
You get everything handed to you on a silver platter with the Internet. Makes fucktards want more, and hooktards charge less. The glory days are here for you basically! Originally Posted by Anna Star
Maybe it was the dot com bubble. Its a good thing and safer for everyone. You ladies gain insight into john personalities and old useless johns get to be overly emotional and pms'y about how other johns hobby and post.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Okay, I'm not even going to read through these 2 pages; Zanz, I was trying to be on your side, but you're losing me, lol

Okay, I'm not even going to read through these 2 pages; Zanz, I was trying to be on your side, but you're losing me, lol

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

Haha! - no please reconsider :-)
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Yeah, you already know I read it, ha, ha. You need to reconsider this thread topic.

Okay, I'm not even going to read through these 2 pages; Zanz, I was trying to be on your side, but you're losing me, lol

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Well .....looks like zanzie is down to zero.
Yeah, you already know I read it, ha, ha. You need to reconsider this thread topic.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Lol - well I'm trying to come up with a clever response but it was only a question not a position.

You know I suppport the ladies :-)
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I actually like Zanz and his passion for Alyssa, nothing like a truly passionate man. Do I agree with all he posts, no...but I do like his gusto, lol

I actually like Zanz and his passion for Alyssa, nothing like a truly passionate man. Do I agree with all he posts, no...but I do like his gusto, lol

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

Lol uh ok thanks but I consider myself more of a satirist. Like John Stewart or Bill Maher. ;-)
Lol uh ok thanks but I consider myself more of a satirist. Like John Stewart or Bill Maher. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
wow I feel bad now because a lot of us thinck your more like Cam from modern family
IJS, maybe its the pink polo's with the navy blazers, ally needs to help save your Man card.....but if anyone can......ally can!
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Yeah, Gambie, I think it's your man card that needs saving, at least Zanz reviews Indies and does not reside in a club

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
booo~! for a brief second I was thinking a different John Stewart...In brightest day, in blackest night,...
wow I feel bad now because a lot of us thinck your more like Cam from modern family
IJS, maybe its the pink polo's with the navy blazers, ally needs to help save your Man card.....but if anyone can......ally can! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
:-) quit hatin and like Will Smith said:

Yeah, Gambie, I think it's your man card that needs saving, at least Zanz reviews Indies and does not reside in a club

! Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
yes I need to review more hookers to impress your antique ass, i'll get right on that or not....you can look down your long pointy nose at strippers, but many of them have kids and do what they can to give them a better life....without sucking at the gov't teet, but keep your head up old hooker your way better than a stripper
you obviously earn a better living than a contractor....I mean your showcase, or so you call it says your voluptuous....should I say more or is the ones pat on the back worth it.... he knows its a joke, but you must not
junglemonkey's Avatar
Alyssa stop giving WK discounts? Originally Posted by citizen44
Penance for not writing quarterly review and bump up and 29 day old
Thread at 11:59:59 PM with a textbook "Always a nice time" comment.