I'm independant now.... Now what?

Dstorm's Avatar
if you have the opportunity to work in a cash only business, why not take advantage of the lack of W@/paper trail.
Why open yourself up for scrutiny. Just claim the minimum you need to live your DOCUMENTED lifestyle and enjoy the rest.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Some counties in Nevada allow provider activities. Nevada does not have a personal income tax. When a federal income tax return is filed, the address of the business is asked for, but that does not mean the services were provided at that address.

Occupation?? You do not have to get too specific, so entertainer and the related business code are okay. The IRS wants the tax money. Also consider this --- if any money is exchanged, what was it exchanged for? Time, conversation, companionship? I know of personal companions who assist individuals (typically physically or mentally impaired) who have a need.

Bottom line, entertainer, other personal services, or other types of business descriptions and related business code numbers are apprpriate.

Taking a step back, in Nevada counties where prostitution is legal, I'd expect the ladies to use entertainer. In California where Medical marijuana if legal, I'd expect to see something other than drug dealer (I don't think that's a choice on the list of business codes, lol). lmao, maybe I could be their crop duster. If I were in the motor carrier business, I could help with the transportation. I hope this makes some sense, and the analogies give everyone a broader view.

If you're ever audited, the IRS is looking for unreported income and undocumented expenses.

Take care, report the income.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Oh, would it be too much to say ---- Think outside the box ---- ? lol