So, a Group og Hillary Supporters Have Issued a List of Words Reporters Can't Use

I agree, there should be more room for differences of opinion than either hate or not hate. Poorly stated on my part. It might make it where people could have a more civil discourse than the current state of affairs if we had a continuum going from love to hate, with many stopping points in between. Originally Posted by DSK

Sorry, when it comes to that lying sack of shit Hillary Clinton, there is no middle ground.

Her lies and deceit go way back. But as reprehensible as her lying ways make her, it pales when compared to biggest shortcoming of all.

Her Husband molested women, and on no less than two occasions, actually raped them.

But Hillary, in her self rightous quest to get ahead, stood up for him, actually helping in the destruction of women's teputations. She, by her lying and deceit, enabled her husband to continue to predate on women until that infamous blue dress appeared.

Sorry. Hillary Clinton is the worst we can ask for. She is the personification of what is wrong with our political system, and specifically, the Democrst Party.
Her being despicable has nothing to do with being a democrat. That's a broad brush you're painting with. It has everything to do with the worst traits we human beings have; greed, avarice, etc.

As for Clinton and raping, where is the proof? I'm not saying it didn't happen but I haven't heard any new evidence in some time and the evidence there was left a lot to be desired. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The statements of the women involved, in particular Juanita Broderick and Kathleen Willy, just are not enough when it come to covering up for the Clintons.

I still think that it is amazing that men who are on the liberal side in these discussions, but seem to poccess a good degree of intelligence, still support this shrill old harpy.
The statements of the women involved, in particular Kathleen Willy, just are not enough when it come to covering up for the Clintons.

I still think that it is amazing that men who are on the liberal side in these discussions, but seem to Proccess a good degree of intelligence, still support this shrill old harpy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I would rather her not be the candidate and with all the email shit, maybe that will preclude her from gaining the nomination at all. I would rather someone like O'Malley get it.
  • DSK
  • 03-27-2015, 05:53 PM
The statements of the women involved, in particular Juanita Broderick and Kathleen Willy, just are not enough when it come to covering up for the Clintons.

I still think that it is amazing that men who are on the liberal side in these discussions, but seem to poccess a good degree of intelligence, still support this shrill old harpy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As I am sure you know, he was never convicted of rape, hence it is merely a civil matter at best. Obviously, there has been no admission of wrongdoing on President Clinton's part.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Were fat and ugly on the list?
No, but rug muncher was.
Wheww, conniving cunt isn't on the list, so I'm good! Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Good one.
MrThom's Avatar
Its all part of the new openness that she is sharing with the media... No further questions.