Moral Deficiency??

Sleepy363's Avatar
Usually those taking the moral high ground are the worst offenders themselves.

I grew up with the Catholic church guilting me into believing what they decided was moral and correct, except it's own history is filled with immoral and despicable actions. I listened to them preach about the evils of greed and gambling, while trying to get every dollar they can from their members and holding gambling (socials) on church grounds. It's all hypocritical.

There is nothing sick about a lady making good money by making men happy. To me, I appreciate the ladies that I meet who make me smile that day or make me feel special for an hour. To hell with the misguided opinions of others.
In all seriousness, the very fact you feel the need to post about all of this is a good sign that your conscience is bothering you about being provider. If your conscience wasn’t bothering you to begin with, you wouldn’t have taken your aunt’s comments personally. But you need to come to terms about exiting this lifestyle on your own terms, without your friends and family beating you over the head with a bible.
pyramider's Avatar
Sickness is in the eyes of the beholder. If auntie does not approve then she can begin forking over money to help you support your baby. If she is not willing to step up then she should just STFU.
Neotek...Hmmm, after our sexting this evening, your 11am must've missed a spot!

SexiKenni - Girl, 1st off you will never find ANYTHING as fun, and profitable as this. So just know that....Getting to walk around half-naked all day, making your own schedule, getting pleasured all day....WHEW-Priceless!
Working a civi job you've got to bust your butt double hard to earn half of what you make being a provider. I don't blame you for getting pissed off. That's your family. But sometimes people outside of this 'world' just don't understand and are quick to judge us. Don't beat yourself up over it. Don't do a million "hail mary's", live in the confessional, or feel like you're going to hell because of this. A sin is a sin, is a sin. No one is perfect. Everyone sins!! If you consider this sinning, then does your Aunt gossip? Get drunk? Gamble? Lie? Covet, etc?? Those are all sins as well. Since when does SHE get the authority to judge YOUR sin as morally worse than HER sins?? Only God can be the judge my dear. Everything that you do in your life will be between you & God. You don't have anyone to answer to but him...
So just because she doesn't agree with you, doesn't give her the right to disrespect you & call you names or judge you as someone having less moral values as herself. That's BOOTY!! (aka B.S.)

So do not put yourself down, or feel "less than" because of what someone says.
I know it hurts more because she is your family, and you probably care about what she thinks, but if she would rather judge you, than to try to talk to you and understand you or where you're coming from (just trying to get back on your feet & become independent like you used to be) then maybe she needs to take a walk in your shoes for a while and see how YOUR life is. It's easy to throw stones...

Girl, it's hard to even find a civi career nowadays that makes you happy, to find ANY kind of happiness in a job is very rare. If being a sexy provider makes you happy, and you are something of a "natural" at it (like some people-it just comes naturally & we can't help being good at certain 'things') than "GO FOR IT" and do what makes YOU truly happy inside.

As long as, you can lay your head down every night to sleep and be happy with yourself - then "YOU GO GIRL!!"
We only have ONE LIFE!! If you have the chance to be happy- be happy! If you have the chance to dance - Dance! If your aunt is truly a Christian then she may not love what you do, but she should still love YOU as the person she's known all your life...

F*ck these haters! LOL- j.k.

I think Bad Ass and a few other prior posts hit the nail on the head so to speak. I think most everyone here struggles with the moral aspect and really deep down knows it's wrong. I think sometimes we can justify it as a church or some other entity imposing it's version of morality upon us and we are just acting out against some other hypocritical organization/person, etc. In reality, it's not a church, it's not another person we need to answer to , but a higher being. Of course, by saying that , I realize I'm getting into a whole new realm of discussion and do not wish to turn this into a discussion on philosophy , religion, etc.

I do know this lifestyle does not come without it's risks and ultimately it's penalties. Many of us here hope to overcome them because we know where the real rewards are in terms of how we should live our life.
SexiKenni's Avatar
Omg, thank you all for the replies and support! I can't wait to get back in the game. I miss it so much and can't believe how miserable I have been trying to be what my family wants me to be. I was so happy when I was working, paying bills, taking care of my business all on my own. I miss that feeling and am looking forward to doing what needs to be done to provide for myself and my daughter. I am also looking forward to getting atleast a part time job and going to school. Now that I have made my decision to get back in the game I'm looking forward to working hard to make a safe and secure future for us.

See you guys sooner than later...
Sleepy363's Avatar
I think most everyone here struggles with the moral aspect and really deep down knows it's wrong. Originally Posted by ironore
No, you couldn't be further from the truth, not in my eyes anyway. Perhaps if you're married, you may feel that way, I personally do not by any means.

Do you feel that taking a woman out to dinner and paying in hopes of getting laid is wrong? If not, why not? How is paying for a date while trying to get laid different than just paying a lady to spend some time with you directly and skipping the middle man?

To me there is no moral issue to where I need to think it's wrong. I help a lady make a living, and I enjoy the satisfaction I get from spending time with her.
No, you couldn't be further from the truth, not in my eyes anyway. Perhaps if you're married, you may feel that way, I personally do not by any means.

Do you feel that taking a woman out to dinner and paying in hopes of getting laid is wrong? If not, why not? How is paying for a date while trying to get laid different than just paying a lady to spend some time with you directly and skipping the middle man?

To me there is no moral issue to where I need to think it's wrong. I help a lady make a living, and I enjoy the satisfaction I get from spending time with her.
Obviously your conscience is bothering you or you wouldn't feel the need to post all of this.

I believe in personal freedom and feel people should have the right to engage in any lifestlye that doesn't harm others. That being said, everybody in this lifestyle does feel a sense of inner guilt on some level. But we've all chosen different ways of dealing with the guilt. Some simply ignore it. Some try to rationalize it away by saying at least what they're doing isn't as bad as other things such as violence, rape, murder, etc. A few will leave this lifestyle all together because of it.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Obviously your conscience is bothering you or you wouldn't feel the need to post all of this.

I believe in personal freedom and feel people should have the right to engage in any lifestlye that doesn't harm others. That being said, everybody in this lifestyle does feel a sense of inner guilt on some level. But we've all chosen different ways of dealing with the guilt. Some simply ignore it. Some try to rationalize it away by saying at least what they're doing isn't as bad as other things such as violence, rape, murder, etc. A few will leave this lifestyle all together because of it. Originally Posted by Bad Ass
lol no it has nothing to do with my conscience Dr. Phil. It has to do with the fact that this is a discussion and a blanket statement was made that was incorrect.

I have no guilt for this lifestyle. I'm a single guy and enjoy it. Just because you feel guilt doesn't mean everyone does, please stop with the false generalizations.

The only thing I feel is a sense of caution, because of the legality of it. It forces one to be careful of who you meet. That's the only negative of this lifestyle to me.
lol no it has nothing to do with my conscience Dr. Phil.

First, lets stop with the name calling Sleepy.

I have no guilt for this lifestyle.

Second, you may not have a guilt complex, but you definitely feel a need to always have the last word.
Sleepy363's Avatar
First, lets stop with the name calling Sleepy.

Second, you may not have a guilt complex, but you definitely feel a need to always have the last word. Originally Posted by Bad Ass
Well, you were trying to diagnose me with your blanket statement, so it was quite appropriate.

Look at my other posting history and show me where I "definitely feel a need to always have the last word." Feel free to post up all of the examples, because you stated I definitely ALWAYS feel that need, so you should have plenty of examples. Just because I replied to a silly blanket statement you make that assumption? You sure do love to jump to conclusions quickly don't you? I'm sure you'll state next that because I replied to correct yet another fallacy that you posted, that's proof of your assumption.

Now, if you're finished making false assumptions, maybe we can get back to the actual topic of this thread.
Let's not get all emotional Sleepy. We're not here to argue with you. You're taking all of this way too seriously. Take a chill pill or get laid to get your mind off all this!

That being said, lets get back to the original topic.
pmdelites's Avatar
bad ass, i suggest you step back a bit and look what both you and still asleep wrote.

he wrote some pretty honest first-person comments and thoughts w/ one comment/opinion/assumption about people who are "taking the moral high ground"

you jumped on his case, jumped to conclusions w/out any evidence ["Obviously your conscience is bothering you or you wouldn't feel the need to post all of this."], jumped on him when he replied from his viewpoint [along w/ a comment calling you dr. phil], then you slink away with "Let's not get all emotional Sleepy. We're not here to argue with you. You're taking all of this way too seriously. Take a chill pill or get laid to get your mind off all this!"

i suggest you take your own advice. or not.
pmdelites's Avatar
sexi kenni,

back to topic on hand, regreg and italiana princess has both written very very good thoughts. italiana has a very goog point about your aunt judging w/out talking w/ you to understand your point of view and choices. comments made w/out understanding are just that - comments from that person's point of view and should probably be taken w/ a large grain of salt.

yes, some may feel guilty about this sub-culture, some may feel conflicted about this sub-culture, some may actually enjoy it. but that is for them to work out.

you can talk with others, consult w/ professionals, research all your possibilities, but only you can decide what you want to do in this world. for this is your only life [wont go into possibilities of energy reforming and rebirthing].

i would just add to "do what makes you happy" this "and is respectful to others as best as you can" the responsibility part is often missing from quotes like that [as in "this is the u s of a, i can do anything i want" - "as long as it's respectful ..."]

but, i do suggest you listen to italiana princess' word about learning another profession, trade, business. cos nothing lasts forever.

change - not only is it inevitable, it is necessary.