Yes, because consent would be removed once the condom came off. Originally Posted by frenchlouie1986Where in my scenario did anyone consent to anything in a manner that would indicate consent has been removed?
I'm not sure how many people sit down before having sex to discuss exactly what they are going to do and how they are going to do it......
In real life I've seldom experienced it and I did not limit the original question to just hobby life...... But even here......I'm not sure how many times over the hundreds of sessions I've had that a Provider paused, produced a condom and said... your going to wear this OK? and I said OK.... Maybe 2 or 3?
If a guy is getting intimate and in the moment a lady produces a condom and then takes and installs it on him did he agree to it? Did she just assume it? If your argument is that in allowing it to be placed on him that he consented...... the follow up is If he removes it and she does not stop him doesn't she also "consent" to the removal? She's the professional right? She should no...
In the absence of a discussion and some sort of agreement I don't understand where hard definitions of consent can be established....
I've learned that rape is not the legal term for sexual assault and that removing a condom does not constitute sexual assault..... Thank-you ShysterJohn....
I've also learned that the right topic will bring a legal secretary from the closet to try to 1up the attorney....