Date wear.

I don't care what you wear as long as you leave that damn toliet paper on the roll and not hanging out your ass like a wedding vale.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
In actual fact, casual business attire as i treat each visit as a date.
Usually also bring wine and chocolates and a little gift for the lady.
But that's just how I roll. To each their own.
pyramider's Avatar
I don't care what you wear as long as you leave that damn toliet paper on the roll and not hanging out your ass like a wedding vale.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Where is the fun and creativity in that?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I don't care what you wear as long as you leave that damn toliet paper on the roll and not hanging out your ass like a wedding vale.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Feather duster OK?
Maybe try showing up in a super hero costume?

Slitlikr's Avatar
Hawaiian shirt, speedo, pinky ring, flip flops & shades.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Hawaiian shirt, speedo, pinky ring, flip flops & shades. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
sounds a lot like Franky from One Piece
  • BDD
  • 05-04-2015, 12:30 AM
I show up dressed in anything from jeans, shirt and a jacket, to a suit without tie. Depends on where I am coming from.

If a shower is offered I always take it, with a request that the lady wash my back. If I have done the shatty thing since last showering, I ask if I can take a shower if one is not offered. I always chew gum on my way, even if I have just brushed my teeth. I expect her to be on her A game. I try to bring mine to the party as well.

Dress for the (blow) job you want, not the (blow) job you have is my motto!
kinkyorca's Avatar
Great advice! So what about a casual gimp suit with a bow tie?
Unless you are some uber nerd with the Buddy Holly glasses and 50's haircut, stay away from the bowtie. Nerds can pull it off and make it look good. But unless you are bold enough to pave new fashion highways stick to casual chic. Bolo tie maybe?
tbone77494's Avatar
Hmmm. May need to test that Moxie.
I have to admit that the way a fellow is dressed when I open the door often sets the tone for our time together - if you've taken the time to dress smartly, you're well groomed and smelling nice...well, I've found that often translates to someone who is more considerate and invested in us both having a good time.

Guys who dress sloppy, though, are often lacking in other areas (such as hygiene and courtesy) and can definitely look more out of place in a nice hotel, which may potentially draw attention if the provider is traveling through and staying somewhere for a few days.

A fellow can never go wrong in khakis and a nice button-up/polo or jeans and a clean top. The goal should be to look unobtrusive and completely non-memorable to anyone you pass on your way in or out, imho.
I don't care what you wear as long as you leave that damn toliet paper on the roll and not hanging out your ass like a wedding vale.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

I once had a gentleman show up in a complete BDSM outfit, black dress thing with cutouts for the boobs, which his man tits hung out of perfectly, black thong,collar, the works. The only thing was he had put this get up on in the car,and prepreceded to walk through the hotel parking lot,LOBBY,and hallway in this get up, ads and man tits flapping in the wind. Needless to say,I now ask my fetish clients what there wearing when they call to let me know they've arrived.

So,for me as long as your wearing pants,I'm good.��
kinkyorca's Avatar
Pants ,check, no tp in bunghole, check, look inconspicues, check,