When my gay blade friend Iffy asked that in a thread a long time ago, I responded with the "Sweet Ass" response, hoping to get a date.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No shame in it bitch tits. If IFFY is your "sweet-ass" then he is your "sweet-ass". What you (and IFFYIdiot) do behind closed doors is no ones business but your own.
Stop picking on him BT!
Originally Posted by shanm
COIdiot's right that the term originated in their favorite bar of the gay variety. Apparently, the gay bar that they frequent, regularly uses the term "Sweet Ass" as a pick up line.
In any event, don't disturb COIdiot and his "Sweet Ass" butt buddy. They have been romantically involved since the very moment that COIdiot first propositioned "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot, several years ago.
COIdiot ----->

<----- "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot
COIdiot, when do you plan to post the link to your "Another Realm" (IFFYIdiot) review for the Political Forum posters to see?
Or did you already link your highly personal review of "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot and I missed it?