Dem eyes or demise.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Blushing? If only I had the strength.
The miles of bodies are not the dead or the undead. They are the ones that are awake and morn. They listen and hope the whispered prophesy is true. They crawl climb and kill to find out. To feel again. Just a touch. A taste.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Dallas blushing?
More likely that little smile when she leaves a man spent.
Love ya Dee
DallasRain's Avatar
lol yall silly sweet boys

Marcus you are so poetic!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
  • Kori
  • 05-29-2015, 10:15 PM
Marcus Aurelius- Marcus, Marcus, Marcus. Please forgive me. I did not here you call.

I have been a bit busy while in town! ;-)
I feel a disturbance in the if millions of erection formed at once.

I wish I could be that flower.
I'm sorry, Marcus, in a not sorry kinda way.