If you could...

Raphael's Avatar
I did what I wanted when I was a teen-ager - I played in a rock band - progressive rock. Genesis, Yes, Wayne Shorter and Magma, are who we liked listening to. For the life of me I still can't figure out how we managed to pay for gas, food and... drink when we toured as we never made much money. But then, we didn't know what money was. That must have been what did the trick.
I had the opportunity to work at Astroworld back when I was a teenager. Worked there for 2 years during my junior and senior years in high school. Had a damn good time working there and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Another job that I've always wanted to do was be a radio personality (DJ). I attended a school that had a magnet program in broadcast communications and it's always been an interest of mine. The folks that have met me can probably tell you that I have the voice for it too. I dabbled in it for a minute in college interning during the summer at a Houston AM radio station. But it never panned out for me. Who knows what the future holds though? Y'all might end up listening to the "IceCreamMan Morning Show" one day. LOL
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Repo Man for a used car dealer. Every day was entertaining!
I'm actually very lucky. The jobs I have now are the exact jobs I would wish to do. I enjoy going to them every day and I wouldn't dream of doing anything else. If I ever wake up and say "I don't want to go to work today"...I'll quit.

Why would anyone ever spend day after day doing something they don't enjoy doing? That's another of those life-changing decisions you make when that first bullet snaps past your head.
boardman's Avatar
Seafood restaurant dumpster inspector........Oh wait.
seanes's Avatar
1. Bullpen catcher (Who Knew?)
2. Male Companion (Primarily for public functions or personal time, with or without intimacy)
3. Travel photographer
4. Sculptor (wood medium)

Except for 1. above; have done them all.

I would do 1. to support the others.

Felt best about myself bringing happiness to lonely ladies.
Received the most personal contentment when capturing that one shot that stands out from the rest.
But working artistically with large wood pieces, is something that I could do all day long, everyday. From selecting the piece, to seeing what is captured in it and setting it free.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I tend to think about things from time to time like where would I be if I had chose a different path when I was younger. I always come to the conclusion that if I had chose a different path then I wouldn't have met the friends that I have now or have experienced some of the things I've experienced. So as far as doing something I love everyday well like any job it has it's days but for the most part I enjoy where I'm at in life and what I do.

Boardman I thought for sure SPCA or something being how much you like pussies lol.
This isn't what most people would initially think of as a dream job, but trust me, it sure was fun. Back when I was a teenager, I worked the pumps at a very successful full service gas station. OK, I know that doesn't sound very glamorous or exciting by any stretch of the imagination. But, you have no "F"ing idea how often I was flashed during my shift. I worked after school from 5 pm until eleven. I wasn't a bad looking kid, and enjoyed the hell out of flirting with all the women, especially the cougars. Every single day I saw more bras, bare breasts, panties, and more bare pussy than you can even imagine.
I had my regular flashers, the women that flashed me on an almost daily basis. I also had others who made the decision to flash after I came up to the car. A number of times I would greet a woman at her window, find out how much gas she needed, and while I started pumping gas, mysteriously her skirt would go from being almost to her knees, to now exposing either her panties or pussy. Blouses would mysteriously become unbuttoned. Naturally, I would spend a lot of time practically leaning into their car through the window, or get a better view of her panties or pussy cleaning her window flawlessly! Again, I can't emphasize how many "F"ing times a day this happened. I had very wealthy women who would get just a few dollars of gas every day. These woman could have easily filled up and come by once a week. I even had a judge's wife who always put on the best show. When she pulled into the parking lot I knew I was going to see bare tits and pussy! Every single time as I approached her window the blouse would be unbuttoned and literally pulled away from her breasts to fully expose them. When I cleaned her windshield she would literally lift her legs and squirm to put on a good show. She was so obvious about this! She was a petite, short little blonde. I actually saw her on many occasions reaching down to adjust her seat backwards so she could put on a good show. She was so short there was no way she could reach the pedals well enough to drive safely with the seat fully extended back. But, she also knew she couldn't put on a good show with her seat so close to the steering wheel.
On a few occasions this did lead to a hook-up. But, for the most part, it was mainly cougars who just got off by exposing themselves to a young man. I think they enjoyed my undivided attention, but usually rejected most advances. Hell, it didn't hurt my feelings, I was just glad they kept coming back.
The funny thing is, my senior year I was offered a very good job that easily paid for my college as well as affording me an opportunity to get my first apartment and have no problems making ends meet. The gas station was only paying me about six bucks an hour back in those days. I literally anguished over what I would do! I hated leaving that job! Just writing this thread brought back some very fond memories!
Htowner's Avatar
Homeland Security groper sounds good if I could work in drag so I can check the girls out . Ugly ones get a quick pass and I can take my time with the hot ones.
The old saying goes that every Actor wants to be a Rock Star, and every Rock Star wants to be an Actor. We are even subjected to this at times, when some famous Actor or Actress decides that singing isn't all that difficult, untill they actually try it in public and find out that there are no cue cards or re-takes, and the band keeps playing. Actually being able to carry a tune helps as well.

In times of old, crooners such as Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra proved that the two talents could be compatible, but Glenn Cambell's performance in Tru Grit, Rick Nelson's in Rio Bravo, and just about any Elvis Movie negated much of that.

Some have done well with the crossover, but by and large, most find that just because you are blessed with one talent does not mean that it automatically crosses over to another. Unfortunantly, many do not discover this reality untill they make a utter fool of themselves.

I am a child of the 60's, and like many of my generation, I picked up a guitar, learned how to play a "one-four-five" progression, and pictured myself as the next Buddy Holly, (minus the plane crash).

Of course, in later life, you are sure glad you did not, because for every guy that hits the mean licks and gets the hot chicks, there are thousands and thousands who can play pretty decent, but are well aware that nobody is going to pay money to see it, and no girl is going to throw her panties at you.

So yes, I would have loved to have graduated out of the "garage band" and had my shot on Ed Sullivan. But if I had, I would probably be tired, wore out, and broke at 63 years old, sitting in some dive "club" at 2:am after the last set, hoping the cover was enough to at least buy brerakfast. Now, with the profession that I chose, I might be tired, some what worn out, but at least I am not broke, and I eat well..

And, I can still pick up the Stratocaster Ax and chop some wood, as long as I have enough Advill in me to get the fingers working. And as far as the girls throwing their panties, heck, that is what the ATF is for.
blowpop's Avatar
I've always thought that Hugh Hefner should select his successor. I think I'd be an excellent choice.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-14-2010, 08:17 PM
I've been very fortunate, in the early 80's I had a try out arranged with the houston gamblers, you other old timers will remember them. A good friend of mine was the starting fullback at notre dame back in the terry hanratty , rocky blier days. I played semi-pro back home. 6'' 160 lbs soaking wet. Initial try out at the dome , there are 7 other guys trying out for punter, all a lot bigger than me. One prick from ut is behind me said, what are you doing here you skinny old man, I didn't say anything (he was a lot bigger than me). We are getting snaps and kicking from the 40 across the 50 to the end zone, my time and I jack one across the the goal line through the uprights 70 yards in the air, 4.8 hang time, turned around and told the guy to go fuck himself. Any how , he got cut that day, I made it to the last cut, in a scrimage kiki d'yala busts through and fucking flattens me, steamroller style. I'm all fucked up he comes over to me and said sorry, I'm thinking fuck this, you think guys from the other teams teams would do that fuck no, shit the ball boys were almost as big as me. But I did get to know jim kelly and hang with him and some of the other guys at cooter's cardi's bentley's and so on. I voluntarily retired for my health and safety. Two games into the seaason coach pardee calls me to see if I would play in a few games, the regular punter got hurt in practice, so I did get to play in two games, needless to say the thrill of a lifetime. Other wise i'm doing what I went to college for and have become one of the best in the country in my field. And my second favorite hobby is my part time job,and I enjoy the heck out of that also.
boardman's Avatar
Great story Seedman, You lived a dream few of us ever actually do.