Might it be that your muzzie loving hero odummer wants his "brothas" to know how we are going after them ? He, as Chief of the Armed forces, can tell the services, or have his lap dog Sec.Def. tell every one, to quit being glory hounds and STFU any day. And threaten them with punishment like he does all the conservative groups petitioning for exempt status with the IRS or the way he threatens police officers. But as big of a narcissist as HE is, it adds to his legacy, the only thing he's ever cared about since taking office, to LOOK tough in foreign affairs. Mad Vlad Putin sure is afraid of him !! Just like the rebels in Yemen are. Operational security for the military has been a joke for a long time. Originally Posted by Rey LenguaGood God!!
Good God!!Guess that Common Core liberal education has made it to where if it isn't spoon fed to you and put into simple catch phrases like "Hope and Change" , then it's too much for you to comprehend. Nice to see another "Gruberite" raising his vile head !
How about cutting out all of the useless insults and over-the-top hyperbole and actually make a point?
It is nearly impossible to understand what you are saying.
Put in a way you might be able to understand:
It OBAMA SUCKS is nearly STFU impossible GLORY HOUNDS to understand NARCISSIST BROTHAS what you ODUMMER are LAPDOG saying. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Guess that Common Core liberal education has made it to where if it isn't spoon fed to you and put into simple catch phrases like "Hope and Change" , then it's too much for you to comprehend. Nice to see another "Gruberite" raising his vile head ! Originally Posted by Rey LenguaYou have no idea what common core even is. You are lower than dirt. You are filth.
You do realize that the middle east considers us the terrorists, right?Actually, no, Mr. Moral Relativism, it does not.
It all just depends on your definition. Originally Posted by shanm
Actually, no, Mr. Moral Relativism, it does not.Good thing you weren't born in Tehran then.
Fighting back against terrorists doesn't make us terrorists.
I realize the ragheads believe that any opposition to Islam and jihad is forbidden by God and justifies their killing us, but I don't share those are moronic medieval beliefs.
If we kill some members of their societies that are not members of ISIS or Al Queda, then so be it. That's war.
Not every German was a Nazi. A lot were Nazi opponents. But they died as casualties of war.
If that want us to stop bombing them, all they have to do is stop committing acts of terrorism or supporting such acts.
They have no one to blame but themselves for the religious fanaticism that has stuck them in the hole they are in. Because they permitted it to happen. Originally Posted by ExNYer