
I do agree that reviews are useful for safety and verification purposes. But I don't think they function the same way as references do for providers. When a fellow provider contacts me or vice versa, what is being shared is answers to the questions 1) did you actually see that client and 2) was the client safe/respectful. Whereas reviews often times seem like (embellished) erotica. I wish reviews were more concise and discreet, while still fulfilling the role of letting potential clients know that a provider is safe and reputable.
When I fist started, I had a "no review policy." It didn't hurt my business in the least. In fact, the gentlemen I saw, prefered that I didn't have any reviews because they didn't want to see providers that had seen a bunch of other men. The fact that I could have slept with half the town wasn't blatantly posted on a review board for all to see, etc.

It gave the illusion that I was someone fresh and new to this line of work and helped with the idea of me being more exclusive.

I now allow reviews and appreciate the time and thought the clients put into them. When reading my own reviews, I relive our encounter and smile remembering the details.

Mainly I rely on TER for the bulk of my reviews. So far, I only have one here on eccie.

But, reviews or not, be sure to make a lasting impression and the word will get out.
awl4knot's Avatar
I do agree that reviews are useful for safety and verification purposes. But I don't think they function the same way as references do for providers. When a fellow provider contacts me or vice versa, what is being shared is answers to the questions 1) did you actually see that client and 2) was the client safe/respectful. Whereas reviews often times seem like (embellished) erotica. I wish reviews were more concise and discreet, while still fulfilling the role of letting potential clients know that a provider is safe and reputable. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Ms. Duvall, Safe and reputable is only half of it for the gents. We also want to know that you are FUN both in personality and between the sheets.

But discretion is a big issue, at least for me. I am currently struggling about a review for a high end girl who gave me the "best sex ever" but that included some PSE elements that are hard to describe discretely and to use euphemisms may suggest too much. I want to honor the experience but may pass because it was too good. A nice dilemma for sure.
I've been peaking in randomly bc there are a few ladies that msg me for references lol and I have to say Ms. Knightly, I love the idea of your silent auction, very smart concept

When I fist started, I had a "no review policy." It didn't hurt my business in the least. In fact, the gentlemen I saw, prefered that I didn't have any reviews because they didn't want to see providers that had seen a bunch of other men. The fact that I could have slept with half the town wasn't blatantly posted on a review board for all to see, etc.

It gave the illusion that I was someone fresh and new to this line of work and helped with the idea of me being more exclusive.

I now allow reviews and appreciate the time and thought the clients put into them. When reading my own reviews, I relive our encounter and smile remembering the details.

Mainly I rely on TER for the bulk of my reviews. So far, I only have one here on eccie.

But, reviews or not, be sure to make a lasting impression and the word will get out. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly definitely a class act.....just like you CC...xo
I agree with the viewpoint of the women here. I don't ask for, nor do I need to ask, for reviews. We don't need to have a huge list of reviews. Being consistent is as good, if not better, than having a long string of reviews. No disrespect to the ladies who many wonderful reviews.
I also read and reminisce fondly about the time I shared with that gentleman in a past review.
Awww Nicolet....I know you're talking about our Halloween date... xoxoxo
JennerJammer's Avatar
Reviews, I think, are helpful, but are over-rated. For one, you have to separate the wheat from the chaff and alot of the info can be tossed as dishonest or misguided. You can be sure that if a review is being posted, there is no longer anything special about the lady's business; she's high traffic and out there.

As for the OP, reviews or lack thereof have never kept me from seeing someone, and my best experiences have not been preceeded by research. This is not the safest way to play, but I feel the best play abandons safety, at least a little.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I like reviews quite a bit. They help show a gentleman whether or not I am a good match for him before he even contacts me. This saves time, money, and frustration on everyone's end.

On a more practical side, they're a huge traffic increase. I always know when I get reviews because I see large spikes in traffic (150-300 hits per day for 3 days, depending on the site the review was on). I don't feel any of my reviews are overly graphic so it's fine by me.

On another note, NOT having reviews can certainly make you look less credible. I had been working abroad for the last few years, a place where they use a local board (like ECCIE but smaller) instead of TER, TBD, NR etc al. I have something like 10 reviews from that period (as once a lady is established, guys don't really review up there either) and when I went to apply for a very fun sounding boat party I was chided with, "Why was your most recent review in 2012?" when I explained the local board, and linked them to it I was never responded to again.

I tell people reviews are always appreciated, and never expected much like a gift or tip.
I can see where reviews are useful and desired by many however I've never been one of them. One of the biggest turn ons in the hobby for me is the discretion and secrets behind closed doors.

P411 has always served me wonderfully on its own.
Bbud1959's Avatar
Since I'm fairly new in the hobby, I use both the ads and the reviews to determine who I would like to see. I'm a elder man of size (a nice way of saying old and fat) and I want to spend time with someone who enjoys what she does, loves the affection part of the encounter (kissing, touching, snuggling) and isn't just looking for a guy to hit it and quit it. So far I've been blessed to find the right friends and their reviews helped me.
  • katee
  • 09-22-2015, 01:17 PM
I find reviews to be a "Catch 22" if you will. While I agree part of the allure in the anticipation of spending time with an "upscale" lady, is the excitement of not knowing, yet fantasizing what it will be like. With reviews... You are informed prior to meeting, in which some of the information in the review is totally fabricated. I can understand how sometimes that takes away from the "not knowing" excitement.
I, for one, feel I have too many reviews. I've been doing this for a while now, but I would really would prefer to have only a couple of vague reviews. I very often ask my date to please DON'T post one.
The other side of this... I live in a semi rural area, where BP seems to be the most popular venue of which to find an escort. We all know the many different caliber of women found there. No to mention, true gentlemen who would like companionship who have no clue that ECCIE, or P411 even exist, in my area. Therefore, I try to use my reviews to my advantage, and theirs as well. To show them, I'm real, I'm safe, and NOT some drugged out sleaze with a pimp that will inevitably bring any kind of drama to the experience. If I lived in a much more metropolitan area, I think that I would ALWAYS request "no reviews" it's not that I have anything to hide, simply, I believe in utmost discretion, and with reviews, that discretion is largely violated.
reviews are important to me for 2 reasons:
1) I have a very specific list of what I like BBBJ NQNS (attention to balls and eye contact), GFE (always subjective), realistic IOP, minimal tattooing, CFS - maybe a few others depending on mood.
2) personality - I want to try and get a feel for the ladies personality. and to some extent you can get an idea from reviews.

But there is a better way especially for a high end providers to do #2. 6 months to a year ago Eccie chat was down for quite sometime which lead someone to create a video chat channel. The ladies would get on generally dressed although some would wear lingerie or the occasional birthday suit, but it is my contention and others have agreed, that the nudity was superfluous to the interaction. The key here is the video component - seeing and hearing some one react to questions, and laugh - exposes a persons personality much better than anything else I have seen. This channel no longer exists BUT while it was up, I met several ladies that I never looked twice at because they were slightly out side my standard type who's personality was so wonderful that I wanted to see them and eventually did, because their personalities out weighed my list. The mind after all is the largest sex organ in the body.

That is why it is my belief that a video is much better than reviews for number 2. Here is where ALL providers make the classic video mistake. When they hear the word "video" they think porno and wind up posting a sexy lingerie shoot or a blow job shot or some other sex video which has nothing to do with showing a ladies personality. The type of video that I am talking about is basically the type of video you would make for a video dating site. the questions don't matter. the answers don't matter. Just being able to see you move and interact is enough to be able to get a feel for your personality. And KNOWING what kind of personality you have and from that having an idea of what to expect in a session is I believe some what comforting to a potential client. You become a known quantity that makes it easier to see myself in your company. Again - most dumb ass hoes will read this and make a sexy video thinking that's all we care about. I am talking about adding a Q&A video ... or interview style video something you could post on YouTube and if everyone you know saw it you could say you did it for a dating site. Heck I would rather see you with your clothes on as your clothing style choices also show some of your personality. I guarantee 3 of my regulars I would never have seen if it hadn't been for seeing them on that video chat channel and becoming endeared to their personalities.

Questions: What kind of man do you like? What makes a man sexy to you? What's you best quality? you see three boxes on the table in front of you what is in them? How much money is too much? Which came first the chicken or the egg? the questions really don't matter it is seeing you answer them that makes the connection.

As a high end provider I would give the video idea a try before I would break down and start asking for reviews, because with a video you have control and with reviews the reviewer have control. And the video will more completely and accurately depict who you are than a review ever could. Take a chance and try it - 25 years of marketing experience talking here and several months of personal observation - it is the potential gold mine for a high end provider - I will bet my hat on it! Originally Posted by 5T3V3
very well said and also with detail. a lot of the gentlemen forget to give a reason why they don't like something or why they like it? Very good job
I try to read the reviews of the lady I want to see to see what she likes and if we may enjoy being together. I hate it when someone writes a review that is misleading as I think that is wrong. Only say what your experience was without all the BS. I try to be honest and if I really like someone I will state it. I do not see a lady that has very few reviews unless she is new.
You cannot know how a lady is unless you read reviews and if you read them all, you can figure out the real from BS.
Just my view but that is why I am on eccie to see what the lady is into before meeting her.
To say you don't want reviews for me, does not tell me if you are seeing a bunch of clients or a few as I will guess that the ladies here are in it to make a good living and you need several clients for that to happen.
Just my take. Please don't take anything I say wrong as It is just my view.
Valid points. There should be options for gents to convey what their overall experience with a provider was and if they had a pleasurable time, while also keeping discretion in mind.

Ms. Duvall, Safe and reputable is only half of it for the gents. We also want to know that you are FUN both in personality and between the sheets. Originally Posted by awl4knot