You can ignore what others say but......

Seriously, I can not believe y'all continue to give this marketing viper the time of day. Whispers uses the most basic rules of marketing, e.g. the rule of three. Repeat or say something three times and it becomes fact. He follows the continuum of marketing by continuously repeating his statements of "fact" his posts....its "whore"...."whore"..."whore".. . And he gets his sycophant's to repeat his buzz words....OIO, whore, etc, etc, etc.... until those unaware on the board (or who think his word is truly fact..hahahahaha) start to parrot the same message. And once someone other than whispers repeats whispers marketing campaign, now there is the appearance of validity. Doesn't matter that they are repeating a lie or smear campaign to begin with. And y'all try to attack his individual posts when you need to be looking at his entire marketing campaign.

He is, to be blunt and depending on your perspective...Fox News, CNBC, CNN, Yahoo News, etc. His ability to maneuver within the board rules is beautiful in its simplicity...and y'all need to start focusing on the fact that its the 3 or 4 words in every message that gets simple minded people like rockerrick to emulate and parrot his every word.
Seriously, I can not believe y'all continue to give this marketing viper the time of day. Whispers uses the most basic rules of marketing, e.g. the rule of three. Repeat or say something three times and it becomes fact. He follows the continuum of marketing by continuously repeating his statements of "fact" his posts....its "whore"...."whore"..."whore".. . And he gets his sycophant's to repeat his buzz words....OIO, whore, etc, etc, etc.... until those unaware on the board (or who think his word is truly fact..hahahahaha) start to parrot the same message. And once someone other than whispers repeats whispers marketing campaign, now there is the appearance of validity. Doesn't matter that they are repeating a lie or smear campaign to begin with. And y'all try to attack his individual posts when you need to be looking at his entire marketing campaign.

He is, to be blunt and depending on your perspective...Fox News, CNBC, CNN, Yahoo News, etc. His ability to maneuver within the board rules is beautiful in its simplicity...and y'all need to start focusing on the fact that its the 3 or 4 words in every message that gets simple minded people like rockerrick to emulate and parrot his every word. Originally Posted by silly_slut


He's the Karl Rove of eccie(albeit fatter).
The basic rules are so simple:

Repeat this mantra and pass it on, no truth or facts needed, add it to your footers so it shows up in every post. Soon it will simply be the truth by repetitive reads.

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Ha ha ha ha ha ha campaign 101.
The basic rules are so simple:

Repeat this mantra and pass it on, no truth or facts needed, add it to your footers so it shows up in every post. Soon it will simply be the truth by repetitive reads.

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Ha ha ha ha ha ha campaign 101. Originally Posted by silly_slut
amen. been watching this for a year now. I can't believe it works, but I"ve seen guys you wouldn't think would be so simple-minded fall into his narrative. They don't seem to even know they're doing it.
The basic rules are so simple:

Repeat this mantra and pass it on, no truth or facts needed, add it to your footers so it shows up in every post. Soon it will simply be the truth by repetitive reads.

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Whispers is an OFIO: Old Fat Insignificant One

Ha ha ha ha ha ha campaign 101. Originally Posted by silly_slut
Luvs me some acronyms!
What I find most amazing is that an board dedicated to escorts and the men that like to spend time with them, could be so influenced and swayed by one bloviating OFIO (Old Fat Insignificant One). At the end of the day, if all you have in life is your supposed control of an escort review site, cash to spend on needy strippers, and the ability to type "whore" "whore" "whore", what a sad life you must really live. OFIO - Whore, OFIO - Whore, OFIO - Whore : Notice a pattern?
What I find most amazing is that an board dedicated to escorts and the men that like to spend time with them, could be so influenced and swayed by one bloviating OFIO (Old Fat Insignificant One). At the end of the day, if all you have in life is your supposed control of an escort review site, cash to spend on needy strippers, and the ability to type "whore" "whore" "whore", what a sad life you must really live. OFIO - Whore, OFIO - Whore, OFIO - Whore : Notice a pattern? Originally Posted by silly_slut

He seems a tad bitter,no?
Me or the OFIO? Your question wasn't quite clear if I or the OFIO was bitter, or maybe it was intentional so I typed OFIO this OFIO, or OFIO, or Old Fat Insignificant One (OFIO), again and again...OFIO being bitter?

Sorry, my questions was whether your response was asking if I was bitter or the OFIO was bitter?
Me or the OFIO? Your question wasn't quite clear if I or the OFIO was bitter, or maybe it was intentional so I typed OFIO this OFIO, or OFIO, or Old Fat Insignificant One (OFIO), again and again...OFIO being bitter?

Sorry, my questions was whether your response was asking if I was bitter or the OFIO was bitter? Originally Posted by silly_slut
OFIO seems bitter.
To some of these guys credit, they won't use the word whore; however it's done it's damage, construct wise. The whole point if the word is to subsume identity and create a "class" of people with whom it easier to demean and demoralize. Anyone with over an 80 iq can see that the word whore functions as hate language. Toyz used to do it too, and when I pointed out that the word hoogar was oftentimes used in the same way as the n word, I got pointed and everyone thought I was a racist. Bullshit. Words are important; they create the construct by which you are seen. Whispers knows this very well.

What also amazes me the moderators refuse to lead. The rules are meant for interpretation, so tZke up that mantle and lead. The guys here are so cowed by each other. It's so fucking weird, man. Never seem anything like it.
Toyz used to do it too, and when I pointed out that the word hoogar was oftentimes used in the same way as the n word, I got pointed and everyone thought I was a racist. Bullshit. Words are important; they create the construct by which you are seen. Whispers knows this very well.

What also amazes me the moderators refuse to lead. The rules are meant for interpretation, so tZke up that mantle and lead. The guys here are so cowed by each other. It's so fucking weird, man. Never seem anything like it. Originally Posted by chelseabean
Words are imporant, they shape the way we view the world we occupy. Whispers know this better than everyone else... Thats why he uses the words he does. Whore, OIO.... The OFIO (Old Fat Insignificant One) does not represent every hobbyist. The OFIO likes to think he is bringing new facts to light such that he looks lie the OFIO god of ECCIE. Has any one else besides myself noticed that he talks in double speak? Not once does he ever name a name, or call anyone out? No....go to this yahoo group or that...blah blah blah blah.

The OFIO talks in triplets

Old Fat Insignificant One.....

Name one time he actually names one instance of getting bareback personally offered? Nope, its rumor and innuendo.... OFIO. If the OFIO really cared about the board and could offer anything of substances, why doesn't he step up and be the *man* the OFIO pretends to be?
To some of these guys credit, they won't use the word whore; however it's done it's damage, construct wise. The whole point if the word is to subsume identity and create a "class" of people with whom it easier to demean and demoralize. Anyone with over an 80 iq can see that the word whore functions as hate language. Toyz used to do it too, and when I pointed out that the word hoogar was oftentimes used in the same way as the n word, I got pointed and everyone thought I was a racist. Bullshit. Words are important; they create the construct by which you are seen. Whispers knows this very well.

What also amazes me the moderators refuse to lead. The rules are meant for interpretation, so tZke up that mantle and lead. The guys here are so cowed by each other. It's so fucking weird, man. Never seem anything like it. Originally Posted by chelseabean
"Words are important; they create the construct by which you are seen. Whispers knows this very well."

Yeah well, the word "stripper(s)" certainly can elicit a negative response also.
Little rascals are known for a hard & fast lifestyle......
They are like a Ferrari:
Beautiful to look at.
Blast to drive.
But a bitch to maintain.

Been there.
"Words are important; they create the construct by which you are seen. Whispers knows this very well."

Yeah well, the word "stripper(s)" certainly can elicit a negative response also.
Little rascals are known for a hard & fast lifestyle......
They are like a Ferrari:
Beautiful to look at.
Blast to drive.
But a bitch to maintain.

Been there. Originally Posted by Observing
When you go to the car lot to pick out a new car, OFIO's probably don't ask for a mini-van. Note I said OFIO's probably.... And if the OFIO looks for a stripper they can afford the OFIO probably doesn't seek a mini-van... The OFIO look for the stripper driving a Yugo but wanting a BMW...the OFIO are predators without peer, using money to make up for being OFIO's.
sixxbach's Avatar
What also amazes me the moderators refuse to lead. The rules are meant for interpretation, so tZke up that mantle and lead. The guys here are so cowed by each other. It's so fucking weird, man. Never seem anything like it. Originally Posted by chelseabean
A moderator's job on this board is not to lead. That may very well have been the case on ASPD, but its a different ballgame. A moderator's job is to help members get the most out of this site whether it's to verify new providers, approve reviews, help with edits, reinstate provider status, many things actually.

The membership leads the direction of the board with the guidelines that are set forth. Yes, we are lenient. It is quite trendy to say that certain members receive no consequences. However, its rather convenient that those who complain somehow overlook their own or other's "violations". Maybe they don't notice other violations because they agree with that particular poster, but only have issue with the poster who they don't share a particular POV.

This thread is a great example of that. The OP hasn't resorted to name calling, yet there are a couple of members who are doing the same thing you and others have complained about. You don't seem to have issue with that.

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.

The key word being unprovoked. Are you saying I should lead starting with this thread?

I moderate with the mentality of letting the adults be adults within reason. There are some things we can't be lenient on, but for the most part, there is some leniency.

Anyhow, I am off to pack. Heading to NOLA in the morning. Booze, boobs, and blow jobs await.

Before I forget, the ignore button works wonders...... It amazes me that people refuse to use that option.

When you go to the car lot to pick out a new car, OFIO's probably don't ask for a mini-van. Note I said OFIO's probably.... And if the OFIO looks for a stripper they can afford the OFIO probably doesn't seek a mini-van... The OFIO look for the stripper driving a Yugo but wanting a BMW...the OFIO are predators without peer, using money to make up for being OFIO's. Originally Posted by silly_slut
"the OFIO are predators without peer, using money to make up for being OFIO's."
