Seriously, I can not believe y'all continue to give this marketing viper the time of day. Whispers uses the most basic rules of marketing, e.g. the rule of three. Repeat or say something three times and it becomes fact. He follows the continuum of marketing by continuously repeating his statements of "fact" his posts....its "whore"...."whore"..."whore".. . And he gets his sycophant's to repeat his buzz words....OIO, whore, etc, etc, etc.... until those unaware on the board (or who think his word is truly fact..hahahahaha) start to parrot the same message. And once someone other than whispers repeats whispers marketing campaign, now there is the appearance of validity. Doesn't matter that they are repeating a lie or smear campaign to begin with. And y'all try to attack his individual posts when you need to be looking at his entire marketing campaign.
He is, to be blunt and depending on your perspective...Fox News, CNBC, CNN, Yahoo News, etc. His ability to maneuver within the board rules is beautiful in its simplicity...and y'all need to start focusing on the fact that its the 3 or 4 words in every message that gets simple minded people like rockerrick to emulate and parrot his every word.