Was I wrong?

@Gimme Dat so If I feature in an Asain Magazine can I be mistaken for an Asain girl since we are using that logic? :-P
The Review didnt really bother me is what you guys dont get. It was that $20 thing that was killing me that has since been explained..lol

I dont have black in me now but I love when I do...lol

@Babee I agree
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...Now to my issue this bastard posted that I saw him for $20!!
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?... Originally Posted by JahiaraQ
Don't get too upset over that. He really didn't mean twenty dollars. He wasn't lying, but writing in an inconsistent and actually unnecessary code. Most of us would use $20 to mean a hundred and twenty but it's not hard to imagine someone using it for two hundred.

Woops! Disregard my post. I see someone has already explained it.
I agree with babee.. if you know for a fact that the review is bogus, YES! Hit the report button and tell the mods. Sadly, talking about it in the open forums just riles everyone up even more.
Honey...relax! You said it yourself, it's not a bad review. The guy may have just made a typo...20 was supposed to be 200....$20 was supposed to be $.20 (120)....................

As far as smoking goes...He may have assumed the ash trays belonged to a supportive SO, a roomate in the biz, a hostess that doesn't mind smoking guests...If he did not see you smoke or taste smoke on you, he would have written...I couldn't tell.

As far as race goes...some people are just clueless...THAT SIMPLE!
Some can't tell the difference (as Gimme said) between an AA mixed lady or a Latino...Your skin tone does NOT define your heritage, nor is it tattooed on your forehead.

Last school year I taught 87 AA students: I had 8 that were mixed in various ways...because they were ALL beautiful and had different skin tones, I could not tell which 8 were mixed with AA and which were other mixes...without looking at their records. Don't take it offensivly though...being oblivious or unknowing is not a crime...

Obviously this gent didn't care about your race in a negative way, or else he would not have seen you.

Don't let this bother you...You have other FANTASTIC reviews...they alone will speak volumes for you!

Girl, I am still so new at this, and learning fast what to hold on to and what to let go of...
This issue is a "drop it" issue. Hit the Report button if its really wrong (like you NEVER saw him wrong) and keep moving forward. Then, still let it go; it's not worth holding onto.

When your whole world comes crashing down and your family asks why your giving away the cow for free...Call me!!! I will listen to you vent honey and help you anyway I can...

BTW...if they ever do ask you that, just tell them your not...your charging 250+ a pop! LOL! and keep doing what makes you happy...and apparantly several other gents so far!