• shanm
  • 06-22-2015, 12:29 PM
I think you meant to say "you and me"..................

But you claim to have the higher IQ..................

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Dude you just embarrassed yourself. Big time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2015, 12:40 PM
You think Roof has a tenured teaching position and Sheinberg Scholar-In-Residence reward in his future? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No Roof is not teaching anyone anything...I already told you the difference in the left and right murders is IQ points!.

lustylad's Avatar
Exactly. He's a mental midget. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Congratulations, undercunt.... another brilliant 5-word post!

Ching-chang, ka-ching!

Another 50 cents coming your way under your eccie freelance spamming contract!
Not according to Oxford...AND WTF used "their" incorrectly................2 grammar errors in a short sentence boasting his superior IQ...can't make this shit up.

So WTF doesn't know WTF when it comes to boasting a superior IQ.


IQ, same difference their is between you and I. Originally Posted by WTF
And he does have the higher IQ because his grammer is correct Originally Posted by BigLouie
And obviously dumb Louie doesn't know the correct form of "their"/"there" to use either. Oh, and in pointing out the wrong use of I, Big Dumb Louie misspelled "grammar"............now that is funny...

Back on topic................the despicable American left rewards terrorists who kill and plot to kill Americans.

Terrorist Bill Ayers, poster boy of the American progressive left, tenured teacher admired on campuses across America............
"I don't regret setting bombs, 'I feel we didn't do enough."
-Bill Ayers on September 11, 2001 !
The day the WTC fell....unbelieveable that the American left would hold Ayers in such high regards....

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Whirlaway it takes a special kind of scum bag to exploit the deaths of 9 people who haven't even been buried yet to make some kind of political agenda to associate this case with Obama. You are beyond filth and scum and COG you just spit on the graves of the 9 people who were massacred by this racial terrorist. Do any of you have any honor?

Whirlaway you idiot I can insert Osama Bin ladens name in place of Ayers and get the same result. Speaking of Osama wasn't George Bush known to have close ties with the Bin Laden family at least from the business perspective. This thread is totally repulsive
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2015, 03:00 PM
Not according to Oxford...AND WTF used "their" incorrectly................2 grammar errors in a short sentence boasting his superior IQ...can't make this shit up.

So WTF doesn't know WTF when it comes to boasting a superior IQ.


And obviously dumb Louie doesn't know the correct form of "their"/"there" to use either. Oh, and in pointing out the wrong use of I, Big Dumb Louie misspelled "grammar"............now that is funny...

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Responding on a cell phone...those things tend to happen.

However you pointing out my mistake while typing on a phone does not make you a IQ point smarter and my guess is you need way more than one to catch up with normal.
You are correct; I am mocking the american left.....they think it is kool to kill in the name of progressive politics........

Obama had no problem with Bill Ayers.........shame on Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're an idiot.

It's the members of your political party that are accepting donations from the white supremacist group that the killer was a member of....because that group knows you share similar views.

But, here you are dredging up some shit that happened 50 years ago that nobody gives a shit about....kind of like most of what you post these days. Fuck off back to your Deadbart website you wannabe Drudge....with your capital letters and your silly content.
  • DSK
  • 06-22-2015, 06:43 PM
Whirlaway it takes a special kind of scum bag to exploit the deaths of 9 people who haven't even been buried yet to make some kind of political agenda to associate this case with Obama. You are beyond filth and scum and COG you just spit on the graves of the 9 people who were massacred by this racial terrorist. Do any of you have any honor?

Whirlaway you idiot I can insert Osama Bin ladens name in place of Ayers and get the same result. Speaking of Osama wasn't George Bush known to have close ties with the Bin Laden family at least from the business perspective. This thread is totally repulsive Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It is totally repulsive that the left wing exalts Professor Ayers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's a big difference you idiot - one murdered his victim in cold blood - did you not see the difference between John Gotti and his hitman ? What about a cartel boss versus the actual members who do the actual beheadings. Did Hitler physically kill anyone - were their not nazis who literally slaughtered thousands ?
You are making a political mockery out of this very sensitive case - you are true scum whirlaway Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
So, according to Jesus, it is morally superior to kill random people in "warm" blood, when doing it in a leftist cause, than to kill random people in "cold" blood. Have I got that right, WeeEndowed, the God Fauxing Christian?
Congratulations, undercunt.... another brilliant 5-word post!

Ching-chang, ka-ching!

Another 50 cents coming your way under your eccie freelance spamming contract! Originally Posted by lustylad
that check gonna be huge this month. oh baby.
It is totally repulsive that the left wing exalts Professor Ayers. Originally Posted by DSK
Who exalts the guy? They specifically chose targets that would not lead to human casualties. The only people who died were members, when a bomb exploded while assembling it. You do realize this country was founded on violence, yes? Violent acts are what finally released the hold of British rule.

"Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers."

"Obama has condemned Ayers' past, and stated that he does not have a close association with him."

Obama, during a debate:

"This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense, George"

Ayers turned himself in and didn't serve any time because of governmental misconduct during the investigation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. The odds of CNN and Obama are both telling the truth are reduced to less than 1/2 of 1%.
It is totally repulsive that the left wing exalts Professor Ayers. Originally Posted by DSK
We have now established the fact that I am not a part of those that JLIdiot, errr DSKIdiot refers to as the exalted "left wing."
The American left exalts these type of violent anti-American terrorists.

Do you know Ayers title at the University of Chicago?

"Distinguished Professor"

And who is one of the chief spokespersons for the American left? Obama.

Of course Obama tried to distance himself from Ayers....much like he lied to the American public about his positions. Axelrod has admitted Obama hid his associations/positions from the American public.

Who exalts the guy? .......... Originally Posted by WombRaider