
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ahhh, Foxy and CD well have learned.

bojulay's Avatar
The best ones are when a provider has a new video or pictures to share, or comes
up with an interesting topic.

Boring is bad anywhere you find it though.
any publicity is good publicity Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Same thing I was thinking.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2015, 02:57 PM
Same thing I was thinking. Originally Posted by ChantalStoneNYC
Start a thread saying you have an a STD then
KaitlynDior's Avatar
I just wouldn't worry about it. There are the same couple who throw the snarky "nice thread" no matter what you do. The rest either don't care or are glad to see cause we know you're in town and working. Originally Posted by tbone77494
Well good, I guess all the trolls will have to kiss my ass and deal with it
KaitlynDior's Avatar
There is an art to a good threAD... Originally Posted by boardman
Teach me everything you know boardman, please include cute cat pics
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 06-24-2015, 03:38 PM
Well good, I guess all the trolls will have to kiss my ass and deal with it Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Looks like I'm going to turn into a troll this week.
bojulay's Avatar
The practical ones are the, where is a good place to stay, eat, shop, etc.

If I were a provider I would probably come up with one like $50 off
to the first 30 F-Tards to post on my ThreAD, after you pass proper
screening of course.

Have a competition instead of a special. LOL

A clever one would be like.
Who else besides me has ever pondered the fact that nations rise and fall
because males of the human species can have involuntary muscle contractions
in a body appendage. ha ha.
boardman's Avatar
Teach me everything you know boardman, please include cute cat pics Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
My wisdom is gleaned, not taught.

Try and keep up.

kinkyorca's Avatar
I enjoy a good thread, you can comunicate with a certain provider and exchange a few quibs and jabs. Some flirting then make a date , better then playing texts, email tags. I like a smart azz with a fine azz.
My wisdom is gleaned, not taught.

Try and keep up.

Originally Posted by boardman

Ahhh, Foxy and CD well have learned.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Hoping here is to.... Sensei!

All I can do is my best....

dearhunter's Avatar
threADs are little windows of sunshine to play in
Start a thread saying you have an a STD then Originally Posted by WTF
I'll save that for the men who want to bash each other. Makes for good entertainment.
I'll save that for the men who want to bash each other. Makes for good entertainment. Originally Posted by ChantalStoneNYC
Yea...... You will do well here....
I agree, it is often referred to as a threAD just because it's started by a provider, but make the best of it. Some of my favorite encounters have come from chatting up with the ladies here in the threads. As well as one of my worst. Some of my favorite posters have been Camille Fox, Caroline and Lauren. Mainly because they are witty and attractive, their posts as well as the ladies. The other side of the coin, I enjoy Dorthy's posts too, mainly because of her I don't give a shit attitude.
Points of advise, you're cute as hell do you don't need to draw attention to yourself, just be yourself. Don't take the TROLL bait, it's easy to get sucked in without realizing it. Post some recent photos every so often. You're adorable and us guys are visually stimulated, and most likely to book a date after a steamy reminder of how sexy you are. Unlike foxy's advise, keep posts short and to the point, guys are here for entertainment, not education. Maybe I'm in the minority on that, maybe I'd enjoy your long winded posts more than hers. Time will tell.
See ya in the funny pages kiddo.
Between the sheets too...