
mam5's Avatar
  • mam5
  • 07-04-2015, 09:32 PM

I don't think i haggle.

But i often make an offer for more time for a more reasonable hourly rate. ....like bakers dozen.

If she declines, usually I don't go in at all. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Eh, to me this is more negotiating rather than haggling.... to me haggling is basically just begging for a discount. making an offer to purchase more time for a discounted rate is a reasonable request (providers may disagree). both parties benefit. if someone is just bugging the provider for a cheaper rate, only the hobbyist benefits while the provider loses money.
Not back into this to offer discounts, I have a day job, so this is just for fun and some XXX tra. What I offer, is to make it worth mine and my gentleman clients time. I am low volume by choice and almost 5 years or retirement has changed this hooktard's mentality
Not back into this to offer discounts, ..... Originally Posted by AlexisSoftTouch
you anti-haggle- ite
I have always paid full price for every session.. and I am just about always rewarded with more time and or a frequent fuker discount.. I have a fav who I have been seeing for 10+ years. My first visit I paid $250 an hour. then over subsequent years she has lowered it to $160!!!! yes $160 for and hour plus of fun. MSOG is encouraged...

so moral of the story quit being a cheap ass and you will see the benefit!!

so moral of the story quit being a cheap ass and you will see the benefit!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Don't haggle. Inquire about rates. Not in budget move on. I don't respond after someone tell me a rate that I know I'm not willing to pay. Now some providers say special and to email/text/PM them to inquire. There's always someone in your price range. If all fails, go to BP. I have found some nice gems on BP through proper communication. Originally Posted by PaulWalker
Thx PW
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-05-2015, 12:19 PM
I have always paid full price for every session.. and I am just about always rewarded with more time and or a frequent fuker discount.. I have a fav who I have been seeing for 10+ years. My first visit I paid $250 an hour. then over subsequent years she has lowered it to $160!!!! yes $160 for and hour plus of fun. MSOG is encouraged...

so moral of the story quit being a cheap ass and you will see the benefits ...of being a cheap ass! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Sorry, I don't see where you "fixed" anything. You only made the last statement a direct contradiction. Now it makes no sense.
kinkyorca's Avatar
Remeber you get what you paid for. Cheap price, cheap service.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 07-05-2015, 01:51 PM
I don't like the term haggle because it has a back and froth connotation. Coming from a sales back ground if someone is negotiating your price then you have failed to convince him that your services have that value.

If I offered to sell a Jaguar XJR for $10,000, you would have many questions. What year? Has it been wrecked? How many miles? Is there anything mechanically wrong with it? Does it run? .... etc All because I didn't give enough information to convince you that buying a $70,000 automobile for $10,000 was a good value.

However, if I told you I just won a brand new 2015 Jaguar XJR in a contest and it has no miles on it, but I can't afford to pick it up because I don't have money to pay the taxes $4900 and the ticket is void after today, so I would rather get $10,000 and you pay the taxes and claim the car then get nothing at all and lose the car. Now I have given you enough information that you see the value in my offer. In the first scenario you are skeptical - unsure of the value - feel like there is a catch maybe. In the second scenario, the value is clearer and it all makes more sense and anyone with $10,000 would take advantage of the offer.
But, don't get mad at someone who haggles, take it as an opportunity to find out why they didn't see the value as you set it. Ask them questions. What makes you think I am not worth $400 per hour? Many times they will tell you and you can use that to better market yourself.

As a fellow sales person I have to warn you it can be brutal sometimes. Occasionally you find out that your product isn't quite as special in the market as you thought. And sometimes you find out that you had no idea what the client was looking for - what their hot button is - that your presentation really sucked. Sales is a brutal business. You can't sell everyone. But, if you don't take it personally, and try and learn from the ones you don't sell, then you will get better and better at selling your product and presenting you product and packaging your product ... business is business ... don't get mad - get better!

so moral of the story quit being a cheap ass and you will see the benefit!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY


When i get haggled. I just ignore.
citizen44's Avatar
The problem is all the hookers equate how much they can charge a guy to screw them with their worth as a person. If a guy offers them less, he's basically insulting her.

The reality though is that this is just business. That's all that's going on. He actually thinks that he is doing you a favor by letting you have last look at getting some business. To him it's just: provider #1 is cute, charges 250, has a pussy, does BBBJ. Provider #2 is cute, charges 300, has a pussy, and does BBBJ. He would like to go with #2 just for diversity, but he isn't going to pay more for the same exact experience.

boardman's Avatar
Anyone know the OP's hooktard handle?
Russ38's Avatar
We should have a poll....