MissSaraXXX is getting her hot bod!!!!!!!!!!!!

burkalini's Avatar
Ok guys back off. lol As the one who gave her the first yes review ( followed by a shitload of happy guys) I hold the right to be first. That reminds me shorty. It's almost been a year. How about a little anniversary get together.
Awwww, burky baby! It has been a long time. I was starting to think I was going to have to beg. Buuuttt since Blue had this great fucking idea...Im gonna have to contemplate this jk
Have a speedy recovery sweet Sara!
daredevil321's Avatar
[QUOTE=burkalini;1056919767]Ok guys back off. lol As the one who gave her the first yes review ( followed by a shitload of happy guys) I hold the right to be first. That reminds me shorty. It's almost been a year. How about a little anniversary get together.[/QUOTE

Ok burk I have no problem being number 2. Maybe we could do the lottery on that spot.Hell as long as I'm somewhere in the middle I'd be happy :-))
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Awesome, wishing you a speedy recovery.
DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
That's awesome! You go girl! Good luck and can't wait to see pics!
  • Kori
  • 07-07-2015, 12:24 PM
MissSaraXXX- So happy for you! Eeek! Excitement!

Wishing you a speedy recovery! Good luck tomorrow! :-)
t. And I think you're on to something, Blue, however, I suggest not giving a hooker ideas on how to make more money (lol) BUT of all people you are definitely the last I'd ever guess to propose an idea such as that, soooooo, i will just take it as a REGAL compliment. Lol Thank you, sir. Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
We all know that Blue is planning to take a piece of the action...which piece, I guess we don't know!
zeejoe's Avatar
The "O.E.M." version was pretty goddam good.

"Sara 2.0"..... ?

The "O.E.M." version was pretty goddam good.

"Sara 2.0"..... ?

Originally Posted by zeejoe
Sounds good to me! Thank you again, everyone! I'm healing well and results are great from what I can tell! So happy this could happen. I thought i was going to be delayed a lot longer.
61corv's Avatar
Glad to see everything went well! Enjoy the bed rest.��
Selfishly speaking, I'm hoping for a quick recovery!