Begging, is this the new normal?

  • CS25
  • 08-09-2015, 04:01 AM
Budman...glad you had the opportunity to get that thought onto the forum for consideration.

Two issues here...begging on the street AND haggling over prices. The first issue is what it is and many have addressed. I have nothing else to add.

However, the second issue is simply the free market at work. Providers need to know that guys want to get the best price possible and we know they want to earn the most money possible for their time. Best example on the board is the ISO thread...seen guys that say "Have XX dollars to spend, looking for _<fill in the service>__".

It is up to the provider to PM or reply in some manner if that is acceptable. If his request is unreasonable, he won't get what he wants. If someone replies and takes his offer, that is up to her. You shouldn't care...none of your business.

My only other thought on your topic is that dickering should be done in private via PM, email, it is between them and no one else. If he does a review the rate would be posted anyway so we would find out.
I guess in the long run you want to treat others how you'd like to be treated. Wish for others what you would want for yourself. -$incerely The Fortune Cookie (tastes great, ask about the Birthday Boy Special ... Haha)
Budman's Avatar
Budman...glad you had the opportunity to get that thought onto the forum for consideration.

Two issues here...begging on the street AND haggling over prices. The first issue is what it is and many have addressed. I have nothing else to add.

However, the second issue is simply the free market at work. Providers need to know that guys want to get the best price possible and we know they want to earn the most money possible for their time. Best example on the board is the ISO thread...seen guys that say "Have XX dollars to spend, looking for _<fill in the service>__".

It is up to the provider to PM or reply in some manner if that is acceptable. If his request is unreasonable, he won't get what he wants. If someone replies and takes his offer, that is up to her. You shouldn't care...none of your business.

My only other thought on your topic is that dickering should be done in private via PM, email, it is between them and no one else. If he does a review the rate would be posted anyway so we would find out. Originally Posted by CS25
My original post had nothing to do with begging on the street. It eventually turned to that but that was not what I was referring to. I was comparing many post to beggars on the street. I guess you may be right that it is none of my business but the same could be said of your reply to me. IMO guys that post "it's my bday. Any providers offering specials" come across as cheap ass mother fuckers. It strikes me as having the mentality of a 12 year old. The other thing that irritates me are the providers constantly begging for help. You are charging 200 bucks an hour and up yet you can't buy a 150 dollar air conditioner. Or you lost your keys and you want someone to rekey all your shit. There are many other examples of people here begging for help. Some are legitimate emergencies that warrant help but most are just bullshit posted by con artists. I will continue to reply to any post I find hypocritical or just fucking stupid.
inspector farquar's Avatar
The other thing that irritates me are the providers constantly begging for help. You are charging 200 bucks an hour and up yet you can't buy a 150 dollar air conditioner. Originally Posted by Budman
Your comments reminded me of Patrick Ewing's famous words during the NBA player's strike (I'll paraphrase): Sure, we may make a lot of money, but we also spend a lot of money.

People say and do the damnedest things.
To get the most "bang for your buck" (literally) without coming off like a douchebag the easiest thing to do is post what you are looking for and what you are willing to spend. Providers will PM you if they want. Or you can find an ATF who actually likes you and you see frequently enough that she will give you "discounts" unprompted. Heck, one of mine got a overnight for less than my two hour rate for his birthday. The key word for coming to a better understanding with your ATF is FREQUENCY. I'm not going to change my rates for a client's birthday if I can count my session with you on one hand. On the flip side, showing appreciation for a friend (beyond grandfathering) I've seen 15+ times is a given.
uncut78xxx's Avatar
SA Angel
I am new and have not "read back" on all the posts the board.... so if I'm missing it... forgive me....
but I honestly had been thinking about just that... though I have not seen any posts that would have lead me to believe this is a common practice.....I like the idea of it