Why YES that is a needle in my boob!!! NOT FOR THE FAINT

john_deere's Avatar
this is the last place anybody should have to be apologizing for their sexual quirks. if you see something on these pages that freaks you out… that's fine. just shut the fuck up about it and move on.
Well ok then
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Gee, JD, don't hold back. What do your really think?
john_deere's Avatar
sorry...i had just read the one millionth "gee, that's pretty expensive for cbj." and my patience for wasted bandwidth was thin.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I didn't say I wouldn't see her because of this-- I simply said that is not for me.
robinhood12's Avatar
It would be a mistake not to see Spice. She is a wonderful person and great provider. The pics of her is what she is doing on her own time. She was with "her provider" as a client. I would never allow the needle thing to happen to me, but I am sure all of us have "out of the ordinary things" we like to do. My vote, don't judge her as a client, but as a provider, which is what she offers to us.
The pictures are very erotic and IMO, not grotesque at all...not something I want to do but kudos to you for doing what you enjoy, isn't that why we are here?

NO ONE on this board, hobbyist, provider, lurker or even religious fanatic trying to show us the way has the right to judge.....again just my opinion
Texanbychoice's Avatar
I am still smiling from this session =)))) Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
I am not going to throw rocks. BUT damn spice. You gotta bigger pair than me with all those needles! Course i like getting branded. So to each their own!!!
I had a hobbyist give me some nipple clamps yesterday.
I see where she's coming from.
You go, girl!
^^^^ Lol, seems as though CLC cumming to eccie is bringing out her naughty side
It was already there. Now I get to use it more.
It was already there. Now I get to use it more. Originally Posted by CuteLittleCourtesan
Well cum on down to Midland and use some of that naughty on me
Candyman007's Avatar
Well cum on down to Midland and use some of that naughty on me Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Yes come to Midland
Candyman007's Avatar
Well cum on down to Midland and use some of that naughty on me Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Yes come to midland
I'm afraid I'll put FBSMLUVR back in the hospital though ; )

I'm planning a trip though. Scouts honor.